Chefen i intervju med IW om CoDTV

image257..dessvärre inte den riktiga Chefen (det vill säga jag), utan det det är det belgiska Chefen (företaget CHIEF) som intervjuat världens sämste community-manager Fourzerotwo. I vilket fall som helst tas just CoDTV upp, och även om svaren är rätt luddiga, så är det endå trevligt att se att CoDTV åter igen diskuteras. Vartifrån Fourzerotwo fått att communityn älskar att det ska komma ett nytt CoD varje år har jag ingen aning, men det är väl som vanligt.. De läser vad de vill läsa på forumen och skiter i allt annat.

Med en stor sax klipper och klistrar vi lite:
"Q: How come Activision likes to switch developers so often? The makers of Call of Duty 4 will be making Call of Duty 6 yet Call of Duty 5 will be developed by someone else?
A: We have a pretty healthy development cycle for each of our games and never want to feel rushed in delivering a high quality experience for our players, so we ensure we have plenty of time to acquire the standard we set for ourselves. However the community loves having a Call of Duty experience every year, which just wouldn't be possible with the time we take on the games, therefore Activision alternates the titles between us and Treyarch to make sure the quality of the franchise is maintained. It adds a lot of variety to the series as each studio has its unique formula and direction they take the franchise in each game.

Q: Call of Duty 4 has the backing of an enormous community being one of the top selling games on all platforms. How badly do you want to become the next Counterstrike or World of Warcraft in terms of numbers?
A: Our main focus is to just make amazing games that our community will love. We've been fortunate enough with Call of Duty 4 to have an extremely large and supportive community with over 7 million copies sold thus far. We don't really say, "We want to be like those guys, or have that success." We just want to make amazing games and the rest will fall into place if you've accomplished that.

Q: Have you ever considered the idea of pushing Call of Duty 4 as a true competitive game to rival the likes of Counterstrike 1.6 or Warcraft 3?
A: We definitely want to be a top competitive game in the FPS realm and we do that through choice, we don't ever want to shut out one portion of our community over another, so we would never sacrifice our casual Call of Duty players for the competitive Call of Duty player or vice versa, instead we focused on giving them the power to make the game what they want through custom configs, create a class, and mod tools on PC.

Q: Activision is supporting more and more competitive events in different countries with Call of Duty 4 compared to previous Call of Duty games. Why is this so and will this support continue?
A: As I said, we're huge supporters of Community Event and want to keep tournaments and competitions going for all our users worldwide as long as there are players to compete in them.

Q: One of the things the community is constantly asking for, and has been since Call of Duty 2, is the implementation of COD TV or something similar. SourceTV is a good example of the kind of tool the community is looking for. Are there any plans to develop this kind of tool for Call of Duty 4?
A: CODTV is something we've constantly been talking about internally throughout development and even now and something I still think is a possibility for a future PC update. We've met with the creator of the original CODTV and discussed what may be needed or what we can do, so it's definitely a possibility, right now we've been focused on patches and mod tools updates, but that is something that's being looked at.

Q: Do you think there is a place on mainstream TV for competitive COD4 matches to be broadcasted, much like Starcraft in Korea or the recent CGS tournament in the US and the UK?
A: I think competitive gaming is becoming more and more maintstream and something I think there is a growing audience for as time goes on.

Q: Which changes do you want to make to the game for the future? Can we expect more patches?
A: We're constantly looking at ways we can improve the game through updates, we're already on 1.5 for the PC version and have a feature patch about to be released for the console versions as well, and are always working on new features and updates to the game overall we think players will enjoy so I can say you can expect more updates to come. Right now, with the mod tools being out for a bit and a lot of new custom maps showing up in the community we're looking at ways we can better accommodate those maps and ease functionality for users attempting to play them as well as general improvements and carrying over changes to the PC from the console feature patches such as Additional Kill Cams.

Q:Can we expect any new maps to be added with these patches?
A: DLC is completely separate from our patch process, but is something we are working on. We've announced we're currently working on DLC for the consoles as well as holding a Community Mapping contest for the PC version but have not announced yet what the PC players can expect from that or DLC just yet. Those details are coming in the future once we work a few things out; at the moment though the console versions can definitely expect some new maps.

Läs hela intervjun:

Tips-tack till Laien..

Postat av: tawnY

"However the community loves having a Call of Duty experience every year"

Hell to the no

2008-02-28 @ 14:01:03
Postat av: dohfOs

rätt bra intervju för att vara officiell.. men det blir mycke hjälp av standardformuläret för 402 -.-

2008-02-28 @ 14:13:49
Postat av: deffan

mycket snack som vanligt och om inget vettigt

2008-02-28 @ 14:19:08
Postat av: idefix

låter ju som vi inte skulle få några maps till PC nu endå ... :S

"However the community loves having a Call of Duty experience every year"

WTF? Vem säger de?

2008-02-28 @ 15:34:18
Postat av: ClowneN

Jag tror inte codtv kommer komma utan dom lockar bara med massa annan skit som nya maps? omg fram med codtv och sluta tramsa för fan...gud va arg man blir :)

2008-02-28 @ 20:26:14
Postat av: chippy

Det är som att försöka korsa en flodhäst med en råtta.

Hur mycket man än försöker kommer det i slutändan bara vara fel, om det ens går.

2008-03-05 @ 01:59:34

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