Europcup under luppen
Clanbase Eurocup ska just kicka igång och säga vad man vill om CB (Chefen säger bu) så kan vi se fram emot en hel del tuffa matcher som kommer bli roliga att följa. Mina kollegor på både Tek9 och på har varit vänliga nog att göra ordentliga genomgångar på första matchveckan, så istället för att skriva en egen länkar jag till deras!
Först ut är Tek9 som konstaterar att veckans match är fajten mellan
Dignitas och
Roskilde Ravens:
Unfortunately, these two big names didn't meet in the official competition at the recent Multiplay i33 event, and with Team Dignitas now proving that they are winners once again with an i33 victory, it makes the match a lot more interesting. Team Dignitas were a very under-rated side going into the i33 event last weekend, but managed to pull it off with a strong performance overall. The same could go for the EuroCup, as they enter this as an under-rated side also, but Roskilde Ravens could equally pull off a decent win, making this game, the match of the week.
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Även anser att Dignitas mot Ravens är hetast och skriver så här:
In Week 1's 'MATCH OF THE WEEK', we see the great Team Dignitas take on the Danish Roskilde Ravens. After winning i33 somewhat suprisingly as underdogs, it will be interesting to see how they fair under the pressure of being labelled one of the favourites for the cup. Roskilde RAvens impressed at i33 using the difficult TUP method, with a string of good results, and will be hoping to continue that on Monday, against this unpredictable Dignitas team.
Fler matchgenomgångar hittar du här!
När vi nu är inne på Clanbase så måste jag nämna
TosspoT, mannen bakom, som har publicerat en krönika där han tar upp ämnet Clanbase vs ESL med fokus på
fnatic's bojkott av Eurocup. Artikeln är mycket läsvärd.
Här har ni en saxning:
Fnatic's opinion have not gone unnoticed by the rest of the community. TeK-9 have also stated that the Eurocup is simply a better alternative to PCW?s rather than the ultimate competition it once was.
Clanbase have been losing the battle against ESL for prestigious tournaments for a long time, however certain games have always remained loyal against the German tournament organisation. Primarily those games have been Quake engine based, such as Call of Duty & ET however has their loyalty now been tested too far? For Call of Duty, many Eurocup players have questioned whether the ruleset was made for them for the Open Cup and are looking further a field for serious competition.
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Först ut är Tek9 som konstaterar att veckans match är fajten mellan

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Även anser att Dignitas mot Ravens är hetast och skriver så här:
In Week 1's 'MATCH OF THE WEEK', we see the great Team Dignitas take on the Danish Roskilde Ravens. After winning i33 somewhat suprisingly as underdogs, it will be interesting to see how they fair under the pressure of being labelled one of the favourites for the cup. Roskilde RAvens impressed at i33 using the difficult TUP method, with a string of good results, and will be hoping to continue that on Monday, against this unpredictable Dignitas team.
Fler matchgenomgångar hittar du här!
När vi nu är inne på Clanbase så måste jag nämna

Här har ni en saxning:
Fnatic's opinion have not gone unnoticed by the rest of the community. TeK-9 have also stated that the Eurocup is simply a better alternative to PCW?s rather than the ultimate competition it once was.
Clanbase have been losing the battle against ESL for prestigious tournaments for a long time, however certain games have always remained loyal against the German tournament organisation. Primarily those games have been Quake engine based, such as Call of Duty & ET however has their loyalty now been tested too far? For Call of Duty, many Eurocup players have questioned whether the ruleset was made for them for the Open Cup and are looking further a field for serious competition.
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Postat av: nils-jöns
när ja dricker några öl så blir jag mycket kissnödig, det kan anderas intyga. Men oftas när jag dricker kaffe/vatten och läsk så kissar jag inte lika mycket. Beror det på mängden eller innehållet. Kära koddblogg svara mig på detta. Det är ett STORT problem för mig.
Postat av: BeeF
VAd har hänt med 10 nyheter om dagen? Blivit lite slapp tycker jag Chefen ;)
Postat av: hoooohooo
chefen. vars är du?
Postat av: Tomt i stugan ? :/
Chefen, vars är du?
Postat av: rrr
ute och reser igen?
Postat av: Sjost
tror dem håller på ändra plattform på bloggen eller vad det stod på deras hem sida.. :) men han kommer säkert tillbaka snart :)