Exabyte tar in LuNi

JUSZN konstaterar:
My expectations were set high for the lan and how well we would do, and its been exactly that. Considering we've had no support towards i33, it really has been a pure experience to get up and play with the best of the best at the same level. Apart from that, the team has shown promise and we've just recently decided to keep going with the current five and things can only get better from here on out.
i33 has been good to us, serving as our first lan together as a team, not to mention just how well everyone in exabyte can eat burgers! Besides our online success, we're really going to take this lan experience into the fold and inject that into our next lan. First lan was to tweak out the errors, and get used to eachother as a team, now thats compatible you'll see a full blown steel fist in the direction of our opponents Hoping to take a big chunk out of the scene and the upcoming events such as Eurocup & codQcup.
Det färdiga laget:

Laget har även genom LuNi skrivit en blogg om resan till i33 vilket är perfekt som nattläsning:
So here we go the exabyte LAN adventure started. On the Wednesday we decided we would have a day of getting to know each other and just having a laugh. We arranged to all meet at juszn's the Wednesday morning however Chris aka lighters decided to forget to get up and therefore made him delayed by about 7 hours. Good start mate ;) well while we was waiting me mark aka rze and Juszn decided to just chill at his for the day and wait for Chris to arrive. Was a long day put it that way. When lighters finally arrived we tried to book into a hotel, not successful. We all got ready and headed into London for the evening. Ended up in a Mexican restaurant in Leicester square. Food was lovely no 1 complained but then juszn dropped the bombshell, SHOTS down stairs in bar, me and Chris looked at each other and thought here we go, in the end the shots were actually quite nice so I thought anyway, shortly after Chris went to the toilet, kind of stayed in there a while no1 knows what happened...
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