Game-Violations varnar - Stäng av downloads
Liksom i CoD2 så kan det eventuellt leda till en pb-ban att ha på downloads. Vissa servrar har filer som är såpass skumma att din nyckel kan bli bannad och då finns tyvärr inget annat att göra än att köpa en ny kopia av spelet.
Passa er för crackade servrar:
Hey there boys and girls.
This is just a little warning to you all about the dangers of having your downloads set to on all the time. There are alot of servers out there, particularly cracked servers, that have what can only be described as BS files. Innocent players are downloading these files and ending up on banlists.
Please make sure your downloads are turned off otherwise you too could end up being banned.
Also, be very careful with clicking on links on IRC or elsewhere. If you are not sure where the link will lead you and it does not come from a trusted source, do not click it! note: not all links from trusted sources like best friends can actually be trusted, there are IRC scripts that send you link from his computer - thus making them look save to click.
FPS-Gaming (källa)
Passa er för crackade servrar:
Hey there boys and girls.
This is just a little warning to you all about the dangers of having your downloads set to on all the time. There are alot of servers out there, particularly cracked servers, that have what can only be described as BS files. Innocent players are downloading these files and ending up on banlists.
Please make sure your downloads are turned off otherwise you too could end up being banned.
Also, be very careful with clicking on links on IRC or elsewhere. If you are not sure where the link will lead you and it does not come from a trusted source, do not click it! note: not all links from trusted sources like best friends can actually be trusted, there are IRC scripts that send you link from his computer - thus making them look save to click.
FPS-Gaming (källa)