CDC är över - Och jag missade kalaset!

eSport4all tog tag i

Q: Hi, lets skip the introduction, how did you join this amazing team, with mint, odyx etc?:)
A: Oh, it all started back in the beginning of cod4 when I was playing in the team violence is bad together with my old day of defeat team. Mint pmed me out of nowhere asking me if I wanted to join up with EYEBALLERS to play for zEm who had to go away for a couple of months. I did not even think about it as I just said yes and I started to play alot. Together with mintR, zsilts, odyx and wnkr we won the crossfire cup.
Q: Okey now lets talk about CDC4, after a loss in codqcup, you dissapeared for a short time, how were you preparing for the lan? What ambitions did you have?
A: As mintR already told everyone the codqcup was used as a tournament to try out new stuff and to get klanne into the team. We've been playing everyday for atleast 5 hours and most of us used our freetime to find new tacades and tactics on every map.Our ambitions was to end up at first place, which we did after one great game against TLR. Which btw was just a shame that we could not play two maps as two of their players had to go catch their plane home.
Läs hela intervjun på!
Tidde följs av SK-Gaming:s snack med

Q: Moving towards the finals, what happened to your game when you had a 10-2 lead and the sides were changed versus TLR on mp_backlot?
A: Well as most people know who play the game the defensive side of backlot has a tendency to overpower the defense and they did that extremely well. I think one factor was that in the back of their head they knew they had to hurry up, which was a shame. But in retrospect I think that was the best thing they could have done to us, pushing up on us and to be fair we were quite chocked with the way they played.
We started getting some idea of how to get back in the game but it took us a long time to get there, we are definitely going to change some things on that side and make sure we are ready for a team that does that. Though it would be interesting to see what would have happened if they didn't push as much, if that would have benefited them or us, now we won't know until perhaps at i33.
Q: Let's talk about a bit about the LAN as this wasn't your first CDC event, was it any different than the previous ones?
A: It was a lot better, and at the same time a lot worse than previous events. It was better because it had more space and better computers. It was worse because they were apparently understaffed for the amounts of teams and games that had to be supervised but all in all a very good tournament.
Läs mer på!
Jag ber återigen om ursäkt för inaktiviteten och sätter mig direkt med pennan i högsta hugg!
Postat av: kontE
Postat av: Steken
Phew, trodde du hade tröttnat på COD4 nyheter ett tag där, när det inte hände något på sidan:D Gött å se att det händer saker igen! Brukar ju vara en 2-3 nyheter/dag.
Postat av: lolr
vfr känns d som om Chefen är med i fnatic eller vae?
Postat av: deffan
lolr: =)
Postat av: multra
skönt att ha dig i landet igen chefen ;D
Postat av: bengan
OJOJ! chefens alias hänger löst!
Postat av: lolr2
welcome back mintr!
Postat av: mintR
haha, ja det skulle kunna vara jag. men hade det varit jag hade jag fan aldrig hunnit spela :)
Postat av: lolr3
ohh mintr busted! Jag har sett din tidsmaskin, du har visst tid!
Postat av: lolr4
HAHA zinDe mintR
Postat av: lolr4
jag gillar kottar
Postat av: Keno
Postat av: och
Postat av: kontE