Patch 1.6 inom räckhåll

"As for the PC version, Patch 1.6 will be the one that introduces the new Kill Cams and other features the console feature patches received for you guys. The work is done on that patch and it?s essentially awaiting and going through internal QA here at Infinity Ward and then Activision. The good thing about the PC version is it doesn't require any certification so as soon as it's finished internal QA it heads out the door to the players. I will try to get a full list of what PC Patch 1.6 includes as I believe there are a few more PC specific things in there besides just the added Kill Cams and such. Don't forget we still have the Custom Map contest going until March 31st, if you have the PC version and want to check out all the cool custom maps everyone is making we have a running list going with all the current releases and beta maps in the works."
CoDTV känns ungefär hur långt borta som helst.. Tack för er support IW! (..)
Postat av: Jaq
HAHAHAHA jaja det är som vanligt inga direkt större nyheter från dem ;) vi får nog aldrig se codtv från dem är jag rädd för, tyvärr .
btw- välkommen tillbaka Chefen :)
Postat av: dohfOs
iw suger.. som vanligt :/
Postat av: zlash
De är synd :/