Ny satsning i Regnum
När CODQCUP presenterade de 32 lagen (läs mer) som blivit direktinbjudna till turneringen var det nog en del som höjde på ögonbrynen när de såg namnet Regnum, ett lag som inte direkt gjort något större väsen av sig hittils. Nu har man i alla fall gått ut officiellt med laget och i Regnum får vi se en ny satsning i CoD4-scenen. Det hela är en europeisk mix där vi finner en svensk, Lupas. Den störste profilen i laget är dock lopEzz, mest känd från sin tid i Team Dignitas och han kommer, inte allt för oväntat agera lagkapten.
Officiellt uttalande:
"Through various One-night-cups and some mixes we discovered a similar wavelength. Cem and me founded this team after we realized that we connect very well, even though we're from different countries," lopEzz explains, "I took in risqu, an old mate of me, who brought Blitz with him. After we played some time together, cem had the idea of asking vCoD-legend Lupas, who played for MONKEYNATION in the past. Due to exams etc we decided to take in a sixth member - denizen. Our goals are settled pretty high and we hope to perform well at Opencup, Premier League and CoDQCup."
Regnum lineup:
Kevin "lopEzz" M. (Team Captain)
Sergej "risqu" Beinert
Damian "BlitzUR" Wesseloo
Ilias "cem" Abassi
Marcus "Lupas" Pettersson
Alex "denizen" Millward
Lycka till Lupas & co!
#regnum- @ QNet
SK-Gaming.com (källa)
Officiellt uttalande:
"Through various One-night-cups and some mixes we discovered a similar wavelength. Cem and me founded this team after we realized that we connect very well, even though we're from different countries," lopEzz explains, "I took in risqu, an old mate of me, who brought Blitz with him. After we played some time together, cem had the idea of asking vCoD-legend Lupas, who played for MONKEYNATION in the past. Due to exams etc we decided to take in a sixth member - denizen. Our goals are settled pretty high and we hope to perform well at Opencup, Premier League and CoDQCup."
Regnum lineup:
Kevin "lopEzz" M. (Team Captain)
Sergej "risqu" Beinert
Damian "BlitzUR" Wesseloo
Ilias "cem" Abassi
Marcus "Lupas" Pettersson
Alex "denizen" Millward
Lycka till Lupas & co!
#regnum- @ QNet
SK-Gaming.com (källa)
Dansken är tillbaka
Innan i33 kom nyheten att de forna Team Infinity-spelarna (läs mer) CSD, outlaw och svenske Stallion nu är tillbaka med nytt lag. Laget går under namnet LAWNMOWERS och med denna lineup kommer man först och främst sikta på CoDgamings DK-liga.
Hur seriös denna satsning verkligen är återstår att se, men klart är i alla fall att man riktat in sig på toppskiktet i Danmark.
CSD kommenterar:
"Vi satser på at blive kendt som Danmarks mest random hold uden nogen som helst faste tacs whatsoever. Hvis vi ender med at komme i top4 i dk ligaen, satser vi ofc. på at deltage i LAN FINALS."
Chefen önskar LAWNMOWERS och då speciellt vår svenske hingst lycka till med den nya satsningen!
#lawnmowers @ QNet.
CoDgaming.dk (källa)
Hur seriös denna satsning verkligen är återstår att se, men klart är i alla fall att man riktat in sig på toppskiktet i Danmark.
CSD kommenterar:
"Vi satser på at blive kendt som Danmarks mest random hold uden nogen som helst faste tacs whatsoever. Hvis vi ender med at komme i top4 i dk ligaen, satser vi ofc. på at deltage i LAN FINALS."
Chefen önskar LAWNMOWERS och då speciellt vår svenske hingst lycka till med den nya satsningen!
#lawnmowers @ QNet.
CoDgaming.dk (källa)
i34 presenterat - CoD4 med igen!
Uppföljaren till succén i33 är nu presenterad. Självklart talar jag om i34 som ska bli vackrare, roligare men först och främst även större. CoD4 är självklart med på listan och återigen har man blivit säkrad en prispott på 12000 euro (precis som på i33, denna kan dessutom växa!), det oberoende av hur många lag som kommer dit. Spektaklet äger rum 8-11:e augusti och biljetterna är släppta, så redan nu är det alltså dags att boka den helgen och börja spara pengar. För visst ska vi få se fler svenska lag än 2 på i34?
Som påpekat ska i34 bli större och för att hjälpa till med det har man nu flyttat till Stoneleigh Park som ligger straxt utanför Coventry. Det finns en mindre flygplats i Coventry och enligt uppgift så ligger närmsta lite större flygplats i Birmingham så när ni bokar biljetten, kom ihåg vart ni ska åka.
QuadV har tillsammans med Multiplay släppt en PromoVideo där man presenterar i34 och Stoneleigh Park och även om det inte ser extremt lyxigt ut kan man knappast klaga på storleken.
Maffigt Multiplay! Vi ses väl där?
Som påpekat ska i34 bli större och för att hjälpa till med det har man nu flyttat till Stoneleigh Park som ligger straxt utanför Coventry. Det finns en mindre flygplats i Coventry och enligt uppgift så ligger närmsta lite större flygplats i Birmingham så när ni bokar biljetten, kom ihåg vart ni ska åka.
QuadV har tillsammans med Multiplay släppt en PromoVideo där man presenterar i34 och Stoneleigh Park och även om det inte ser extremt lyxigt ut kan man knappast klaga på storleken.
Maffigt Multiplay! Vi ses väl där?
CODQCUP presenterar de 32 inbjudna!
CODQCUP som drar igång imorgon (tisdag 25/3) har nu dels gjort klart en gång för alla att det blir en SMG-limit på 3, detta efter en omröstning (läs mer) som gav limit på 3 - 64% av rösterna. Samtidigt har man presenterat vilka 32 lag som blivit direktinbjudna till turneringen (och därmed alltså slipper kvalet). Bland de inbjudna finner vi 2 svenska ( Fnatic och L2W.Gaming) och 1 norskt i Oslo Lions. Förrutom dessa så är de flesta erkända topplagen med såsom TLR, SK-Gaming, H2k, k1ck eSport och eurostyle för att nämna några, dock så saknar vi de nyss krönta i33-kungarna - Team Dignitas, som sägs skall ha vägrat något annat än en SMG-limit på 2. Ett annat lag som saknas är Roskilde Ravens, anledningen till detta är dock oklart.
De 32 inbjudna - hela listan:
ESC Gaming Linemax LowLandLions DEFEATERS eSuba.HAL3000 inteRaction Highbot KomaCrew e.V. nGize SK-Gaming x6tence.AMD Bangin' it eurostyle! multigaming less regnum TCM.eu Epsilon eSports insidiae | k1ck eSports.fi H2k-gaming ancients team impact DCC Gaming Serious Gaming Oslo Lions Fear Factor X-Fi UF Gaming k1ck eSports.pt Fnatic L2W.Gaming Intense 4Kings EXABYTE The Last Resort |
Information för de övriga 256 (!) kvalande lagen kommer senare ikväll (måndag).
#codqcup @ QNet.
i33: Avgörandet! ****
i33 närmar sig nu sitt avgörande. Efter en nästan magisk helg är det nu dags att göra upp om slutsegern, äran och pengarna som kommer med det. Fnatic är fortfarande med i racet och vi har en otroligt spännande eftermiddag och kväll framför oss!
Fnatic vart dessvärre utslagna av de onda amerikanarna i Evil Geniuses i en riktigt tight match på mp_backlot. Detta gör att våra svenska vikingar får åka hem med 500 euro vilket de nog inte är helt nöjda med.
Efter några extremt täta och spännande matcher är det nu äntligen dags för den stora finalen. Det blir en repris på i32- samt WB-finalen när Team Dignitas ställs mot The Last Resort. Matchen kör igång 20:35 och eftersom Dignitas kommer från Winnerbracket räcker det med att de vinner första kartan (mp_crash, TLRs val), om TLR vinner är det dock (åtminstonde för mig) oklart vilken karta som är karta nummer 2.
Första kartan var som sagt mp_crash, TLRs val och det hela såg ut att bli en solskenshistoria för Dignitas som ledde matchen i halvtid. TLR kom dock tillbaka starkt och det hela fick avgöras på OT. Även OT började bra för Dignitas som ledde med 2-0 (14-12) men TLR kom åter igen tillbaka och avgjorde till slut och första kartan slutade med en 16-14 seger för TLR. Dignitas har nu valt mp_citystreets som deras karta, ett ganska annorlunda val men vi får se om man har ett ess i rockärmen som kommer överaska TLR. Vinnaren av mp_citystreets går hem 6000 euro rikare!
Team Dignitas står som segrare efter en helt fantastisk final. Detta innebär också att Norges konung plaZma fick är en av de som får gå hem som vinnare. Stort grattis Dignitas och Kenneth!
6,000 euro Team Dignitas
3,000 euro The Last Resort
1,500 euro Evil Geniuses
4th: 500 euro Fnatic
5-6: 250 euro EXABYTE
5-6: 250 euro Tek-9
7-8: 250 euro Roskilde Ravens
7-8: 250 euro 4 Kings
9-12: Druidz
9-12: TCM.eu
9-12: Audacity
9-12: BigFluffyPigeons
3,000 euro The Last Resort
1,500 euro Evil Geniuses
4th: 500 euro Fnatic
5-6: 250 euro EXABYTE
5-6: 250 euro Tek-9
7-8: 250 euro Roskilde Ravens
7-8: 250 euro 4 Kings
9-12: Druidz
9-12: TCM.eu
9-12: Audacity
9-12: BigFluffyPigeons
mp_crash/mp_citystreets (grand finale) - 20:35:
Team Dignitas [14:16/16:14]]The Last Resort
mp_citystreets (consolation final) - 19:00:
The Last Resort [13:11]Evil Geniuses
mp_backlot (winnerbracket final) - 17:30:
Team Dignitas [16:14] The Last Resort
mp_backlot (loser bracket final) - 16:30:
Fnatic [13:16] Evil Geniuses
mp_vacant (loser bracket, runda 6) - 14:00:
Fnatic [13:11]EXABYTE
Tek-9 [10:13] Evil Geniuses
Team Dignitas [14:16/16:14]]
mp_citystreets (consolation final) - 19:00:
The Last Resort [13:11]
mp_backlot (winnerbracket final) - 17:30:
Team Dignitas [16:14] The Last Resort
mp_backlot (loser bracket final) - 16:30:
mp_vacant (loser bracket, runda 6) - 14:00:
Fnatic [13:11]
Let's get ready to rumbleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....!
Slutspelsträdet hittills
Druidz med bilder från i33
Halvsvenska Druidz är som nog alla vet vid det här laget på plats på i33. Det går dessutom förhållandevis bra för dem. De klarade sig igenom gruppspelet och är nu alltså i slutspelet. Väl där vann man första matchen mot TCM.uk för att sedan ställas mot nordamerikas finaste i EG. Matchen var dock väldigt tight och druiderna visade på bra kämpaglöd. Man är dock fortsatt kvar i turneringen då det hela spelas med ett DE-system. I första matchen i Loser Bracket vann man relativt säkert mot phan och hoppet om ytterligare framgångar lever vidare.
Nu har man på Druidz.se (i en live-blogg från i33!) publicerat lite bilder från tillställningen och jag ska försöka uppdatera denna nyhet så mycket det bara går.
Följ Druidz framfart på i33:
coconutcrew slutar 2:a på The Gathering
I skymundan av i33 har nu The Gathering avgjorts. coconutcrew var som bekant i final (läs mer) mot Oslo Lions (mer kända som fastswitch.no) men man lyckades dessvärre inte med några större mirakel och lejonen från Norge visade sig vara det starkare laget när man vann säkert på mp_strike med 13-5.
24054 SEK Oslo Lions
04209 SEK coconutcrew
01804 SEK Check-it
Tungt för kokosnötterna att det var sån gigantisk skillnad mellan första och andra pris. Men de går hem med mycket erfarenhet och Sverige är 1 lag starkare på LAN-scenen vilket är en stor vinst för oss alla CoD4-intresserade.
GG coconutcrew och grattis Oslo Lions till slutsegern!
i33: Slutspelet ****
Nu är slutspelet här. Både Fnatic och Druidz lyckades precis som väntat ta sig dit. Med oss har vi också Roskilde Ravens. Matcher sänds på QuadV TV3!
Imorgon (söndag 23/3) klockan 11:00 (svensk tid) fortsätter slutspelet. Kvar har vi fortsatt Fnatic som övertygande körde över vad som skall föreställa det bästa Nord Amerika kan ställa på benen, Evil Geniuses. Så skriv upp tiden, för 11:00 smäller det då man ställs mot CDC4-finalisten TLR och lita på att britterna är revanch-sugna från förlusten senast.
Druidz vart dessvärre utslagna efter en tät match på mp_citystreets mot EXABYTE (10-13). Man åker i vilket fall som helst hem med flaggan i topp och kan vara nöjda med sitt första lan någonsin med sin nuvarande lineup. Bättre lycka nästa gång druider!
Heja Skandinavien!
i33: Gruppspel med resultat
Dags för lite resultat från i33, dag 1.
Grupp A: mp_crash (omgång 1)#iG 11-13 awol. p1 17-7 Sick Gaming TCM UK 13-1 [-DER-] mp_backlot (omgång 2) TCM UK 12-12 Dignitas #iG 07-17 p1 awol 16-11 Sick Gaming mp_citystreets (omgång 3) Sick Gaming 9-13 #iG awol 5-19 p1 [-DER-] 0-24 Team Dignitas mp_strike (omgång 4) awol 24-0 [-DER-] #iG 3-13 TCM UK p1 6-18 Team Dignitas mp_crossfire (omgång 5) #iG 24-0 [-DER-] | Grupp B: mp_crash (omgång 1) fullmj 04-20 5th. Immortal Alliance 02-13 audacity RanDomz 02-22 Contego mp_backlot (omgång 2) fullmj 01-13 TheLastResort RanDomz 22-02 Immortal Alliance Contego 11-13 Audacity mp_citystreets (omgång 3) 5th 01-13 TheLastResort RanDomz 11-13 Audacity Contego 13-11 Immortal Alliance mp_strike (omgång 4) Immortal Alliance 06-13 TheLastResort Contego 18-06 5th RanDomz 09-15 fullmj mp_crossfire (omgång 5) Team contego 24-0 fullmj mp_backlot (omgång 6) RanDomz 8-16 TheLastResort 5th 6-18 Audacity Immortal Alliance 20-4 fullmj |
Grupp C: mp_crash (omgång 1)internal 7-17 Blitzkrieg-Gaming VVV 00-24 Antix Default 00-24 CHILLED mp_backlot (omgång 2) internal 04-20 fnatic CHILLED 09-13 Antix default 24-0 VVV mp_citystreets (omgång 3) Blitzkrieg-Gaming 6-18 fnatic default 3-21 Antix VVV 0-24 CHILLED mp_strike (omgång 4) fnatic 24-0 VVV CHILLED 11-13 Blitzkrieg-Gaming default 1-23 internal mp_backlot (omgång 6) default 0-24 fnatic Antix 13-11 Blitzkrieg-Gaming VVV 0-24 internal | Grupp D: mp_crash (omgång 1) Fraglabs 19-05 -loaf- phan 00-24 EXABYTE =HMB= 03-21 5th.i33 mp_backlot (omgång 2) EXABYTE 24-00 -loaf- =HMB= 03-21 phan 5th.i33 15-09 Fraglabs mp_citystreets (omgång 3) phan 20-04 -loaf- =HMB= 03-21 Fraglabs 5th.i33 01-23 EXABYTE mp_strike (omgång 4) 5th.i33 21-03 -loaf- =HMB= 00-24 EXABYTE phan 15-09 Fraglabs mp_crossfire (omgång 5) phan 14-10 5th.i33 |
Grupp E: mp_crash (omgång 1)Fury 17-07 =EWG= -BFB- 00-24 BigFluffyPigeons X.evo 00-24 Packard Bell mp_backlot (omgång 2) BigFluffyPigeons 22-02 =EWG= X.evo 24-00 -BFB- Packard Bell 18-06 Fury mp_citystreets (omgång 3) -BFB- 08-16 =EWG= X.evo 13-11 Fury BigFluffyPigeons 15-09 Packard Bell mp_strike (omgång 4) Packard Bell 23-01 =EWG= X.evo 07-13 BigFluffyPigeons -BFB- 04-20 Fury | Grupp F: mp_crash (omgång 1) [THN] 00-24 4Kings {SAS} 13-11 #eyes-on 1336 24-00 =EWG= B mp_backlot (omgång 2) 4Kings 24-00 {SAS} =EWG= B 03-21 [THN] 1336 20-04 eyes on mp_citystreets (omgång 3) eyes on 03-21 4Kings [THN] 05-19 1336 =EWG= B 01-23 {SAS} mp_strike (omgång 4) =EWG= B 01-21 4Kings 1336 21-03 {SAS} eyes on 10-14 [THN] |
Grupp G: mp_crash (omgång 1) TEK9 10-13 Evil Geniuses CLEVER 04-13 Druidz [SSM] 00-24 Roskilde mp_backlot (omgång 2) TEK9 08-13 Roskilde Druidz 05-13 Evil Geniuses CLEVER 24-00 [SSM] mp_citystreets (omgång 3) CLEVER 00-24 Evil Geniuses TEK9 24-00 [SSM] Roskilde 13-06 Druidz mp_strike (omgång 4) Roskilde 12-12 Evil Geniuses | Grupp H: mp_crash (omgång 1) TCM EU 23-01 {AWOL} Anime8 13-00 [ANG] [Virulance] 00-13 invicta mp_backlot (omgång 2) [ANG] 00-24 TCM EU invicta 24-00 {AWOL} [Virulence] 00-13 Anime8 mp_citystreets (omgång 3) Anime8 05-13 TCM EU [Virulence] 01-13 {AWOL} invicta 24-00 [ANG] mp_strike (omgång 4) invicta 04-20 TCM EU [Virulence] 11-13 [ANG] Anime8 23-01 {AWOL} |
Mer uppdateringar kommer under lördagen.
i33: Grupperna!
Äntligen har grupperna släppts. Och såhär verkar det se ut. Spana in grupp G, luktar "dödens grupp" lång väg. De 4 bästa i varje grupp går vidare till DE-slutspelet. Matcher sänds på QuadV TV3!
Group A | ||
p1 | ||
Sick Gaming | ||
iG | ||
awol | ||
Team Coolermaster UK | ||
[-DER-] | ||
Team Dignitas |
Group B | ||
fullmj | ||
5th | ||
iA | ||
audacity | ||
Randomz | ||
Team-Contego | ||
The Last Resort |
Group C | ||
internal | ||
Blitzkrieg Gaming | ||
| ||
Antix.EU | ||
Default | ||
Chilled | ||
fnatic |
Group D | ||
Fraglabs | ||
loaf | ||
phan | ||
HMB | ||
5th.i33 |
Group E | ||
Team Fury | ||
EWG A | ||
BFB | ||
BFP | ||
X.EVO | ||
Team Packard Bell |
Group F | ||
THN | ||
4K | ||
eyez on | ||
{SAS} | ||
1336 | ||
Group G | ||
Tek9 | ||
Team EG | ||
CLEVER! | ||
Team Druidz | ||
SSM | ||
Roskilde Ravens |
Group H | ||
Team CoolerMaster EU | ||
{AWOL} | ||
Anime8 | ||
ANG | ||
Virulence | ||
invicta |
Tek-9|dfb kommenterar den märkliga gruppen G på Tek-9.org:
"yeah the schedule they had planned was to tight and because they had some problems now the only way to fix their schedule is to put all the TUP* teams together. Big slap in the face for anyone attending here in the TUP, especially the teams from far away (EG, Roskilde, TEK9) since they are all put in the same group which is BS"
Lycka till nu Fnatic, Druidz och Roskilde!
QuadV.com - livestream
* TUP = Turn Up and Play (alltså motsatsen till BYOC)
Mer coverage:
QuadV tippar inför i33
I en kolumn av Deman får vi en "inför i33" från en shoutcasters håll, vilka de tror på inför turneringen som drar igång vilken sekund som helst. Snabbt summerat kan man väl dock säga att de på QuadV lägger sina pengar på Fnatic, TLR, Dignitas och EG.
Deman's Thoughts: With glory at CDC4 fnatic have raised their game once again and proved themselves on LAN. They will be the team to beat despite a recent defeat online in the Live2Win knockout stages to Redemption.
Joe's Thoughts: Fnatic have undergone a fairly major change after zEm returned home from Thailand with his new wife ;) . They were extremely sturdy at CDC4 and performed very nicely to take the win (even if the final showed a few of their weaknesses!) I think anyone would be very silly to count fnatic out of the running at i33, even with the lineup change
TosspoT's Thoughts: If Fnatic arent in the final I will call immigration and tell them they are terrorists. They just have to be there, zEm is a world class addition they simply will be in the final.
Jay's Thoughts: Coming off the back of CDC4 Mintr and the boys over at Fnatic are flying high. More renowned for their LAN prowess than their recent on-line results can the boys from Sweden pull off back to back competitive LAN tournament victories, I am saying yes.
Deman's Prediction: Top 3
Joe's Prediction: Top 3
TosspoT's Prediction: Top 2
Jay's Prediction: 1st Place"
Läs vidare:
fnatic\tidde intervjuad
Världens bästa tidde har även han blivit intervjuad så här inför i33. I den ganska korta intervjun tar han upp återkomsten av zEm, den darriga online-formen - hur den påverkar deras prestation på i33 och vilka han tror blir svåraste hindret på väg mot den stora penga-säcken.
Saxat från Fnatic.com:
"Q: You and your team this weekend will be playing at the Multiplay i33 event in Newbury, England. How does it feel the have Call of Duty 4 as the biggest tournament at the event?
A: It feels really good for me to finally be in a game that LAN events actually puts the game I play as a maingame. And for the community its even better to have more bigger LANs to put Call of Duty as one of their maingames. I'm pretty sure that we will see more of this in the future.
Q: Your online form recently has been somewhat indifferent; do you think this puts extra pressure on yourself and the team to perform at LAN? And also, why do you think you have such irregular online results?
A: No, I would not say that our losses online will affect anything on our performance at LAN. Everything changes when you're playing at LAN, it just give you a big boost.
Q: The i33 tournament will be the first LAN event in which you attend for the team, after zEm?s return from Thailand. Do you think his integration into the team and the loss of Klanne will affect your results?
A: Ofcourse there will have some affect on us as we only have 3 weeks to get our teamplay in order and tactics. We've been practising alot and hopefully this will be enough for us to bring home the gold. zEm is really motivated and has been pushing hard to get in shape and I'm sure he will amaze everyone like always!"
Läs vidare:
Fnatic.com - intervju med tidde
Fnatic.com - i33 coverage
coconutcrew i final på The Gathering
CoD4-turneringen på The Gathering börjar nu gå mot sitt slut. Imorgon klockan 09:00 är det dags för den stora finalen och goda nyheter har nått Koddblogg, det enda svenska laget, coconutcrew är i final. Där ställs man mot Oslo Lions (fastswitch) och norrbaggarna får gälla som favoriter då man kommer från WB.
I WB-finalen (WB5) där coconutcrew åkte ner till LB förlorade man med jämna 13-10 och enligt en säker källa ska svenskarna ha tappat många givna lägen. Det kan alltså bli en mycket trevlig final vi har framför oss om våra favorit kokosnötter tar sig i kragen imorgon bitti.
cnc\dworkz med en kommentar inför finalen:
"fastswitch är ett ungt och hungrigt lag som spelar bra def. Med tanke på att vi måste vinna två kartor mot dom så har jag ingen aning hur det kommer gå, lätt å säga att man ska vinna och sen losar man. så jag tror det går bra :) dock suger vi på alla maps! :D"
Full bracket:
WB1 | WB2 | WB3 | WB4 | WB5 | Grand Final |
(mp_strike) | (mp_backlot) | (mp_crossfire) | (mp_vacant) | (mp_crash) | |
Te4m Koz | Lions | ||||
Te4m Koz | |||||
Gamers-nor | Lions | ||||
+HK+ | Te4m Koz | ||||
+HK+ | Lions | ||||
Stordabu | |||||
Team Quant | Check-it | ||||
Team Quant | Check-it | ||||
Dytesaft | |||||
Emo morluc | Team Q | Lions | |||
Jihad Viking | |||||
Jihad Viking | |||||
Clanserver | cnc | cnc | |||
Clanserver | |||||
SUN | cnc | ||||
h4xx.no | Clanserver | ||||
h4xx.no | |||||
Chickenlol | cnc | ||||
Chakans Wi | Team-Kry | ||||
Frontline | iClan | ||||
Frontline | |||||
iClan | iClan | ||||
iClan | |||||
Brllemi |
Som fotnot kan det sägas att coconutcrew vann LB-finalen mot Check-it med hela 13-2 på mp_strike. Heja Sverige!
CoD.se (källa)
Druidz på i33
Det kanske är lätt att glömma, men Fnatic är faktiskt inte det enda svenska laget på i33. Halvsvenska Druidz ställer även dem upp och de hoppas nu på att kunna överaska europa även om de ser eventet mer som en bra erfarenhet än någon stenhård satsning på att dra hem med första priset. CoD-Sveriges bästa tjej återfinns som bekant i Druidz och det är hon som har blivit intervjuad inför vad komma skall, jag talar givetvis om rushgalna - H@nn@.
"Q: Hur kom ni fram till att ni skulle åka? Anmälde ni er eller blev ni inbjudna?
A: I-lanet i England har bra rykte, så vi bestämde oss att anmäla oss till turneringen. Det är en kul grej och bra erfarenhet för oss.
Q: Hur tror ni era chanser ser ut vad gäller avancemang i turneringen?
A: Chansen är helt beroende på vilken grupp vi kommer i och vi har såklart förhoppningar och mål, men vi vet att topplagen kommer och vi hoppas att få ta den sista prisplatsen.
Q: Förstapriset ligger på 6,000 euro, är prispengarna viktiga eller är det spelandet?
A: Det skulle vara kul att vinna pengar såklart, men främst är det för att bli bättre som ett lag.
Q: Är det ert första stora LAN i COD4-sammanhang?
A: Ja det är vårat första stora CoD4-LAN och även våran första utomlandsturnering. Men vi har deltagit i LAN-turneringar innan så det är inte helt nytt.
Q: Tror du det kommer bli någon skilland från att sitta hemma och spela?
A: Främst är man inte van vid nya datorer, man är inte van med nya miljöer och man är inte van med att ha åskådare bakom sig. Hemma är man ju oftast ensam och är van vid allting så det blir en stor omställning. Bra upplevelse för framtiden dock.
Q: Har ni några mer LAN inplanerade framöver?
A: Vi skall till Wonderbase nu i vår någon gång och sedan till Dreamhack i sommar. Vi har eventuellt planer på att åka till ?pro-lan? i Italien i slutet av april, men annars är det Wonderbase och Dreamhack som är inplanerat.
Q: Finansierar ni resan själva eller har ni sponsorer i ryggen som hjälper er?
A: Vi betalar det mesta själva, men en del ersättning får vi från Druidz sponsorer."
Kul som bara den tycker Chefen, mer svenska satsningar på LAN-fronten, lycka till i England druider!
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Kungen av Danmark inför i33
Danmarks hopp i Roskilde Ravens ska självklart även dem till i33. Tipset just nu ligger på att Ravens kan komma att bli turneringens överaskning. Om så verkligen blir fallet återstår att se, men nu har åtminstonde CoD-kungen av Danmark - fRiJeC fått intervjutid med LowLandLions.com där han berättar att helst av allt vill han spöa, ja just det - Fnatic.
"Q: A mere day and you will be up against the best teams in Europe again, how are you feeling going into this event? Will you improve on your results or do you have another motivation to attend this event (gather experience or something else)?
A: We have different goals for all the events we attend, but atm the guys are sitting in the couch next to me and just having a great time and getting in the mood for the event. This trip is a reward for us from our orga, so we're just gonna try and make the most of it.
Q: How has the preparation been for the players? A bootcamp did not take place I have heard, do you value your chances equally strong or would a bootcamp dramatically increased your chances at performing?
A: It is always so much easier at bootcamp to coordinate your tactics and fix the problems that occur. So I'd always prefer a 1 day bootcamp over 2 days of online practice, but it just wasn't possible this time. But I think we'll do fine, I'm not worried at all.
Q: The seeds have already been published, a 5th seeded position, this is quite the improvement when compared to the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 event, are you satisfied with it or how would you estimate your team at the moment?
A: Yes we're more than satisfied with it, but I don't think it's meant to be read as 5th seed, more like 8 topseeds and in the order it was made.
Q: If you had to choose one particular team you wished to beat, which one would it be and why did you choose them?
A: fnatic any day, we've had a great time with them at the last bootcamp and our teams have a growing friendship, so it would be fun to beat them at i33. <3 tidde zEm zsiltz odx mintR klanne."
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"Q: A mere day and you will be up against the best teams in Europe again, how are you feeling going into this event? Will you improve on your results or do you have another motivation to attend this event (gather experience or something else)?
A: We have different goals for all the events we attend, but atm the guys are sitting in the couch next to me and just having a great time and getting in the mood for the event. This trip is a reward for us from our orga, so we're just gonna try and make the most of it.
Q: How has the preparation been for the players? A bootcamp did not take place I have heard, do you value your chances equally strong or would a bootcamp dramatically increased your chances at performing?
A: It is always so much easier at bootcamp to coordinate your tactics and fix the problems that occur. So I'd always prefer a 1 day bootcamp over 2 days of online practice, but it just wasn't possible this time. But I think we'll do fine, I'm not worried at all.
Q: The seeds have already been published, a 5th seeded position, this is quite the improvement when compared to the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 event, are you satisfied with it or how would you estimate your team at the moment?
A: Yes we're more than satisfied with it, but I don't think it's meant to be read as 5th seed, more like 8 topseeds and in the order it was made.
Q: If you had to choose one particular team you wished to beat, which one would it be and why did you choose them?
A: fnatic any day, we've had a great time with them at the last bootcamp and our teams have a growing friendship, so it would be fun to beat them at i33. <3 tidde zEm zsiltz odx mintR klanne."
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fnatic\mintR om bänkningen av klanne och i33
Inför i33 ligger all press på Fnatic som får bära den absolut största pressen. Och tacka för det när man gick obesegrade genom CDC4. I en intervju med LowLandLions.com talar nu lagkapten mintR ut om bänkingen av klanne som sedemera gav plats åt zEm. Fokus ligger även på i33 men ämnen som CoDTV, Activision och CDC4 berörs.
"Q: Do you think the pressure the community put on you is unrealistic, or only fair considering your performances and your organisation?
A: I thought the criticism we received after our going out in the codQcup was a bit unfounded but at the same time it did give us that little extra will power to prove every one wrong. We have a really hard time staying a 100% focused when we play online and in a game as tight as cod4 that can make a world of difference in performance. On LAN how ever it's completely different and I think that's where we show our true form.
Q: Moving on to your recent roster change, you just picked up zEm after his premature return from Thailand. As he stated he missed you guys and just wanted to start playing again. Was this really the only reason, or were there some things going on within the team and klanne?
A: zEm had been in Thailand for over a month and I think he was getting slightly bored with it. I asked him if he wanted to come with us to England if he could get back and prepare for it in time. He said yes and that's how it went down. Klanne was amazing but zEm was always in our first 5 and I couldn't think of any one better to play with personally so for me it wasn't a hard decision.
Q: When you started this team, were klanne and the others aware of the fact that one of them could be put on the bench for zEm? Did klanne not perform well enough, is that why you decided to swap him?
A: Originally we didn't have tidde or klanne. They both came in as replacements for wnkr and zEm as we learned they were joining army and going on vacation. It was always clear that they were standins. Tiddes being in the team was cemented quite early since wnkr would be gone for a year and he was a part of our 6 man line before klanne was even considered. Klanne came in to fill for zEm, as for klannes performance I have nothing to complain about there. The reasons for the swap are simply a matter of last in first out, nothing else.
Q: How does the fact that zEm hasn't played CoD4 that often since the release (correct me if I'm wrong), influence your preparation for the i33 event? I mean, he has to learn many styles, maps, nades, rotations etc.
A: zEm did play for a long time when the game was released. He knew much of the basics already. Any one that knows zEm would say that he's a natural, he has no problems picking up any game really and it's his mind set and the way he thinks when he plays that I value the most, apart from being a great friend. His preparation for i33 is going great and I have faith in him performing really well at the event.
Q: From here to i33, in general, how is your preparation going for the event? Have you been practising much, or are you just taking it easy?
A: I've had zEm at my place since he came home from Thailand and we have been restructured the way we play now with zEm as opposed to how we played with klanne. We've also partied and had a generally good time. Everything to get him up to speed with the team. There has been a lot of long nights of CoD4 and I hope it will be enough."
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dignitas\Mick under strålkastaren
L3 som pumpat ut intervjuer fortsätter nu med Dignitas stadigaste man, Mick. I intervjun pratar han om vad som gick fel på CDC4 och man nu har försökt att rätta till dessa misstag. En hel vanlig intervju med andra ord och Mick är som vanligt väldigt ärlig och har kvar glimten i ögat.
"Q: In general, how do you think the Crossfire tournament was run? For example, do you think Tosspot handled the H2k/oXmose bug abuse correctly?
A: I think the bug isn't so severe but still, shouldn't be allowed to ever be used in competition ever again. The rules for scripting should be clearly stated and teams should lose by forfeit if ever caught to be using these. As for the tournament its self, it was done to the best of there ability as far as I know, one thing annoyed me though. The delays were too severe and well playing 3 maps in 3 days just kinda sums that up.
Q: After watching the final between TLR and Fnatic, do you think Fnatic deserved the win, or could TLR have won if the circumstances had been different?
A: Haha well .. I didn't watch it ! but from what I hear it was a close game and could of gone either way, who knows what would of happened if TLR didn't have to rush and could of played more then one map, think of the future not the past!
Q: Moving on, you recently added Sko to your roster and dropped lukzaR, how does the change in players influence your preperation for the i33 event?
A: It influences it a lot, not that lukzar was bad, because he was an exceptional player. Its just the way SKO looks at certain situations and well he's really helped us with our communication as well. So I would say only good things have come from it. What does SKO bring to the team personal/skillwise that made you pick him over other players and putting lukzaR aside?
I was always a fan of him in COD2, I liked what he did with Tek-9 and we always used to talk about things, so I can see him staying in Dignitas for an extremely long time and I know his skill wasn't up to scratch when we got him, but we have been playing a lot and he's been playing like a machine.
Q: With this new roster, do you think Dignitas can pick themselves up again and take i33 like we are used from you?
A: Most deffinetly, we are playing well, our mindset is really positive, and we have nothing to lose! So we will go into this tournament with a lot of confidence and composure to take the title."
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"Q: In general, how do you think the Crossfire tournament was run? For example, do you think Tosspot handled the H2k/oXmose bug abuse correctly?
A: I think the bug isn't so severe but still, shouldn't be allowed to ever be used in competition ever again. The rules for scripting should be clearly stated and teams should lose by forfeit if ever caught to be using these. As for the tournament its self, it was done to the best of there ability as far as I know, one thing annoyed me though. The delays were too severe and well playing 3 maps in 3 days just kinda sums that up.
Q: After watching the final between TLR and Fnatic, do you think Fnatic deserved the win, or could TLR have won if the circumstances had been different?
A: Haha well .. I didn't watch it ! but from what I hear it was a close game and could of gone either way, who knows what would of happened if TLR didn't have to rush and could of played more then one map, think of the future not the past!
Q: Moving on, you recently added Sko to your roster and dropped lukzaR, how does the change in players influence your preperation for the i33 event?
A: It influences it a lot, not that lukzar was bad, because he was an exceptional player. Its just the way SKO looks at certain situations and well he's really helped us with our communication as well. So I would say only good things have come from it. What does SKO bring to the team personal/skillwise that made you pick him over other players and putting lukzaR aside?
I was always a fan of him in COD2, I liked what he did with Tek-9 and we always used to talk about things, so I can see him staying in Dignitas for an extremely long time and I know his skill wasn't up to scratch when we got him, but we have been playing a lot and he's been playing like a machine.
Q: With this new roster, do you think Dignitas can pick themselves up again and take i33 like we are used from you?
A: Most deffinetly, we are playing well, our mindset is really positive, and we have nothing to lose! So we will go into this tournament with a lot of confidence and composure to take the title."
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kammYz om cheat-anklagelserna
När kammYz fick dra på sig Tek-9 taggen var det många som såg förvånade ut, detta på grund av de fuskanklagelser som svävat i luften kring kammYz, för hur kunde en så pass respekterad organisation ta in kammYz? Svaret var rätt lätt egentligen och personen i fråga tystade själv alla tvivlare på CDC4. Nu talar han ut om fuskanklagelserna, hur han kom med i Tek-9 samt berättar det vanliga i dessa tider (dvs, inför i33!).
"Q: How did you get into contact with the TEK9 team? Were they looking to pick you up all along, or did you ask them to join and was there a battle between you and gifty?
A: Hmm, atleast davy and alex knew me from cod1 while I played in EYE (DIE) etc, and I also played against em many many(atleast alex) times in cod2. I became e-friends with alex during cod2 and I think he was the one who gave my name to davy in the first place. Davy didn't really wanna take me in at first, few weeks went by and I contacted alex again asked him about the situation and they just decided to give me a chance. Only once I have trialed to a team and didn't get in, so I was confident at this point I'd get in! We joked a lot about me joining tek9/x6 in cod2 and so on, but I never thought I'd get the chance to actually join the team. I don't think there was any fights going on, I liked gifty and hes a talented player.. guess TEK9 just decided to take me in.
Q: Now as a funny question, how is it possible that you can handle such a high sensitivity that good? When I watched your demo vs Dignitas, I almost got an epileptic fit, due to you moving in all possible directions and never stopping to move your mouse!
A: hahah, I have no idea.. This has always been my style =) Some hardpad players intend to get spastic and shake their mouse a lot so they are comfy with the glide etc. (superstitious shit mostly)
Q: In the community you are/were seen as a shady guy, who apparently hacked in CoD 1/2, while you always have been saying that you?re innocent, how does this negative attention make you feel? I would be pretty down if everyone believed me to be a hacker while I was innocent.
A: I never took it as a negative attention, and people don't really know the situation, they've just heard rumours. Most of em have changed during the years and are well biased. I've never hacked in CoD series games, and I?ve always taken the fact that people call me a hacker in a positive way (when someone calls u a hacker and your not means ur pretty good usually). Plus this usually has been the people that been playing against me, when people play with me they clearly see that ?this guy is actually just good? (expect for davy who called me a hacker till few days before cdc!!)
Q: So now, the CDC event is over, and everyone has seen that your not just some random Finnish onliner who bought his skills, how do you feel now and is there anything you would like to say to those people who thought you hacked/still think you hack?
A: Well the people who kept calling me a hacker brought me here actually. Without them I would've never gotten this confident ingame, it might seem weird but it only made me grow better and strengthened my confidence. I don't think I feel any different coz of my LAN performance, I knew I was able to pull this off although most people didn't.
Q: I guess we could say that you have been the most surprising player until now in the CoD4 scene, coming out of nowhere and "carrying" the TEK9 side at CDC. Someone even went as far as: "TEK9 is like Kammyz + 4 supporting players". How do you feel about this, do you feel you can perform even better, or have we seen the best of Kammyz by now?
A: Because of the long break from competitive gaming im not even close to being as good as I used to, but considering CDC was my first lan, first time outside of Finland and first time meeting the tek9 team I played really good in there. But yeah I can perform a lot better than I've done till now."
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"Q: How did you get into contact with the TEK9 team? Were they looking to pick you up all along, or did you ask them to join and was there a battle between you and gifty?
A: Hmm, atleast davy and alex knew me from cod1 while I played in EYE (DIE) etc, and I also played against em many many(atleast alex) times in cod2. I became e-friends with alex during cod2 and I think he was the one who gave my name to davy in the first place. Davy didn't really wanna take me in at first, few weeks went by and I contacted alex again asked him about the situation and they just decided to give me a chance. Only once I have trialed to a team and didn't get in, so I was confident at this point I'd get in! We joked a lot about me joining tek9/x6 in cod2 and so on, but I never thought I'd get the chance to actually join the team. I don't think there was any fights going on, I liked gifty and hes a talented player.. guess TEK9 just decided to take me in.
Q: Now as a funny question, how is it possible that you can handle such a high sensitivity that good? When I watched your demo vs Dignitas, I almost got an epileptic fit, due to you moving in all possible directions and never stopping to move your mouse!
A: hahah, I have no idea.. This has always been my style =) Some hardpad players intend to get spastic and shake their mouse a lot so they are comfy with the glide etc. (superstitious shit mostly)
Q: In the community you are/were seen as a shady guy, who apparently hacked in CoD 1/2, while you always have been saying that you?re innocent, how does this negative attention make you feel? I would be pretty down if everyone believed me to be a hacker while I was innocent.
A: I never took it as a negative attention, and people don't really know the situation, they've just heard rumours. Most of em have changed during the years and are well biased. I've never hacked in CoD series games, and I?ve always taken the fact that people call me a hacker in a positive way (when someone calls u a hacker and your not means ur pretty good usually). Plus this usually has been the people that been playing against me, when people play with me they clearly see that ?this guy is actually just good? (expect for davy who called me a hacker till few days before cdc!!)
Q: So now, the CDC event is over, and everyone has seen that your not just some random Finnish onliner who bought his skills, how do you feel now and is there anything you would like to say to those people who thought you hacked/still think you hack?
A: Well the people who kept calling me a hacker brought me here actually. Without them I would've never gotten this confident ingame, it might seem weird but it only made me grow better and strengthened my confidence. I don't think I feel any different coz of my LAN performance, I knew I was able to pull this off although most people didn't.
Q: I guess we could say that you have been the most surprising player until now in the CoD4 scene, coming out of nowhere and "carrying" the TEK9 side at CDC. Someone even went as far as: "TEK9 is like Kammyz + 4 supporting players". How do you feel about this, do you feel you can perform even better, or have we seen the best of Kammyz by now?
A: Because of the long break from competitive gaming im not even close to being as good as I used to, but considering CDC was my first lan, first time outside of Finland and first time meeting the tek9 team I played really good in there. But yeah I can perform a lot better than I've done till now."
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D1ablo intervjuad, igen
Det faktum att alla community-sidor väljer att intervjua mer eller mindre samma personer hela tiden känns lite störigt, men i vilket fall som helst är denna versionen lite längre än de tidigare och därför kan det kännas värt att läsa vad D1ablo, spelare i TLR har att säga inför i33.
"Q: You recently placed 2nd in the Crossfire Devotii Challenge, how do you feel about this achievement?
A: For me crossfire was my first Real competative event, and to achieve 2nd place was unreal for me (however I definatly feel that under the circumstances we were denied of first xD). In addition the prize money was greatly needed at that moment in time.
Q: Do you think the fact that SocClon and LoOkzor had to catch a plane, and thus you guys had to hurry, and playing fnatic's homemap in the final influenced the eventual outcome?
A: Most deffinatly, our whole mindset was to finish the game in time , rather than winning it. The most dissapointing part of the mess for me was after playing more than half of the allied side (which was rushed) to be told that the final would only take place on the present map. However, we cannot blame anyone else but ourselves as we put ourselves in the situation. We wish danny the best results in his exam!
Q: Should Tosspot have dealt with this matter in another way, or did he dealt correctly according to the situation, since some people in the community feel that you guys got "Tosspot'd"?
A: Well to be honest the only 2 options Tosspot had were for us to play as it was or for us to defult all together. However i feel if we were told at the start it was one map and for that map not to be there homemap, I think the results would have differed. We can only blame ourselves for the situation tosspot was in and in all fairness the guy had a tough desicion to make.
Q: Moving on to i33, how is your teams preparation going? Is it better than your CDC preparation, since I heard you had some PC problems before the event?
A: Well firstly, our training regime is going very well despite our home PC problems. We are hoping to sort the PC situation before i33 as 3 of our players (SoCLoN , LoOkzor , stat) are at about an average of 60 fps, which is never good. However our options are looking good and we should be ready for i33.
Q: Does it influence your playing style that you have to play at "shit" pc's at home, and then all of the sudden play on decent pc's with stable 125 FPS then?
A: Well in all honesty I think if we can beat most teams at home on bad PC's it can only be a bonus to be on Good PC's at LAN. However just to make sure, we will be doing alot of warming up on the Stable computers to get the feel of them."
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"Q: You recently placed 2nd in the Crossfire Devotii Challenge, how do you feel about this achievement?
A: For me crossfire was my first Real competative event, and to achieve 2nd place was unreal for me (however I definatly feel that under the circumstances we were denied of first xD). In addition the prize money was greatly needed at that moment in time.
Q: Do you think the fact that SocClon and LoOkzor had to catch a plane, and thus you guys had to hurry, and playing fnatic's homemap in the final influenced the eventual outcome?
A: Most deffinatly, our whole mindset was to finish the game in time , rather than winning it. The most dissapointing part of the mess for me was after playing more than half of the allied side (which was rushed) to be told that the final would only take place on the present map. However, we cannot blame anyone else but ourselves as we put ourselves in the situation. We wish danny the best results in his exam!
Q: Should Tosspot have dealt with this matter in another way, or did he dealt correctly according to the situation, since some people in the community feel that you guys got "Tosspot'd"?
A: Well to be honest the only 2 options Tosspot had were for us to play as it was or for us to defult all together. However i feel if we were told at the start it was one map and for that map not to be there homemap, I think the results would have differed. We can only blame ourselves for the situation tosspot was in and in all fairness the guy had a tough desicion to make.
Q: Moving on to i33, how is your teams preparation going? Is it better than your CDC preparation, since I heard you had some PC problems before the event?
A: Well firstly, our training regime is going very well despite our home PC problems. We are hoping to sort the PC situation before i33 as 3 of our players (SoCLoN , LoOkzor , stat) are at about an average of 60 fps, which is never good. However our options are looking good and we should be ready for i33.
Q: Does it influence your playing style that you have to play at "shit" pc's at home, and then all of the sudden play on decent pc's with stable 125 FPS then?
A: Well in all honesty I think if we can beat most teams at home on bad PC's it can only be a bonus to be on Good PC's at LAN. However just to make sure, we will be doing alot of warming up on the Stable computers to get the feel of them."
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L3 med förhandstitt inför i33
LowLandLions.com med 9mm i spetesen har gjort en förhandstitt inför i33, inte lika detaljerad som Tek-9.org's version (läs mer) men alltid lite trevlig läsning såhär på långfredagen.
"With my expert view (!!) I expect to see Fnatic shaking things up again, this time with zEm the legendary gamer carrying Fnatic into the finals and most probably also with title. However, do not count Team-Dignitas out, this is their home event, they have won it for years, and I don?t think they are quite ready to give it up this fast. Also count on TLR to be sharpening their knives and putting Fnatic and other teams on the torture bench, just to prove that they are not a ?fluke? like most of the community is calling them since CDC. Then there is the TEK9 side, who play with a sub, the Roskilde Ravens and 4Kings. Wait, I forgot Team-EG from the United States of America! These teams are the seeded teams who are going all out, and the team I expect to suprise us all is EG. No one in Europe has ever played these guys in an official and since there are no demos avaiable of them playing with our ruleset, I think they can make i33 very interesting. Hopefully the Americans can pull something off, and MAYBE even take back the title of best CoD team in the Transatlantic (which belongs to TEK9, after their WSVG win)."
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