The-Experience höjer B-prispotten!

Härliga nyheter när nu The-Experience har beslutat sig för att höja prispotten för B-turneringen. Förrutom att man självklart får en plats i A-turneringen hägrar nu även 2500 euro för de 4 främsta. Signup för B-turneringen kostar precis som tidigare, 250 euro/lag.
"B-Tournament (5vs5)
Date: JUL 29th - JUL 30th
Prizepurse: 2.500,00 euro
Free access to A-tournament

4th: 250 euro
32 teams
32 open spots"
Chefen hoppas nu på att vi får se flera svenska lag deltagandes i Danmark!
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Druidz presenterar EmiZ

Precis som Koddblogg berättade här om dagen är det

"I'd also like to say that we experienced alot of abuse from opponents we met againts our female players and we havent cared so much about it but it's getting out of hand and we will not accept any of theese acts anymore. They are players like everyone else and you guys who say all kinds of stuff should be ashamed of yourselves and maybe think over your life.
After a good performance in the's i33 tournament we hope to keep that level with this new team. We got a busy time ahead of us with lots of bootcamps and lans. With 4 bootcamps before the eXperience and i34 I think we will be ready to take on the top teams. With EmiZ good teamplay and excellent aim and ingame IQ I think she will help us to become a team in the top 10 rankings."
För mer info och schema se:
#druidz @ QNet.
GALENSKAP plockar in bozz

Den förre L2W.Gaming-spelaren och CoD-räven

bozz själv kommenterar flytten:
"It's great fun to join GALENSKAP, I'm looking forward to team up with dohfOs again (we were in the same team in vCoD) and I believe that we, together with the other guys can go far. GALEN itself suited me just great since there allready was 3 other guys in the team living in the same city so we can bootcamp often without any problems. Now I'm just looking forward to start playing and working on our teamplay!"
En ny GALEN lineup:

#galenskap @ QNet
Ny brittisk satsning i Team Karnage
Den brittiska scenen har visat framfötterna på riktigt i CoD4. Nu har ytterligare ett hårdsatsande lag kört igång i form av
Team Karnage. Här närmast satsar man dock på onlinespel även om i34 hela tiden kommer att figruera i bakgrunden.
Lagets manager,
evd_- kommenterar:
"I've been managing karnage since it first began and from the experience i have gained in doing this, I feel i can make a big difference to the UK gaming scene. The 2 teams we're starting with I've had a close relationship with for a while now and i feel they are also ready for the next level. In terms of competitions, both teams will be lanning regularly and also competing in online leagues. Also I'd like to extend my thanks to who did a great job helping us get ready for the launch."
Team Karnage lineup:
Jamie 'jai' Fisher (Team Captain)
Adam David 'Air1ocK' Parkes
Rhys 'rhys' Gordon
Jonathan 'johnzi' Abram
Jason 'xpz' Love
Återstår att se nu hur länge grabbarna håller ihop.
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Lagets manager,

"I've been managing karnage since it first began and from the experience i have gained in doing this, I feel i can make a big difference to the UK gaming scene. The 2 teams we're starting with I've had a close relationship with for a while now and i feel they are also ready for the next level. In terms of competitions, both teams will be lanning regularly and also competing in online leagues. Also I'd like to extend my thanks to who did a great job helping us get ready for the launch."
Team Karnage lineup:

Återstår att se nu hur länge grabbarna håller ihop.
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obama hoppar vidare
Det tog inte lång stund för
obama att tröttna på den nya satsningen i
OVERLOAd som presenterades här för bara 3 dagar sedan (läs mer). När luckan så öppnades i
Wave eSports då
Kryon sagt adjö till gaming tog obama sitt pick och pack och hoppade vidare.
Wave eSports om sitt nytillskott:
"After the departure of Bart from our team we had to look for a new player to complete our lineup. Obama had the same goals and views as we did, and besides that he is a really talented player. We are confident in our new lineup and, with the right dedication and practice, expect to become a team playing at the top of our game."
Wave eSport lineup:
Dave 'CrossY' Oudshoorn
Tom '7ommie' Hermsen
Lars 'lrs' Everdink
Niels 'nielsson' Gosman
Roy 'obama' Godschalk
Hopp hopp..

Wave eSports om sitt nytillskott:
"After the departure of Bart from our team we had to look for a new player to complete our lineup. Obama had the same goals and views as we did, and besides that he is a really talented player. We are confident in our new lineup and, with the right dedication and practice, expect to become a team playing at the top of our game."
Wave eSport lineup:

Hopp hopp..
Druidz fulltaliga, ytterligare en tjej ansluter!

Svenska i33-succén

emiZ kommer närmast ifrån

Uttalande och intervju skall enligt uppgift dyka upp på vilken sekund som helst, när detta sker kommer ni självklart kunna läsa om det även på Koddblogg.
Druidz nya femma:

Lycka till!
#druidz @ QNet.
Vårstädning hos Tenax


Tjet tycker till:
"Nu kan vi äntligen presentera våran nya lineup för cod4-laget i tenax. Först och främst vill jag passa på att tacka alla gamla medlemmar - kanino, granca och eXtzy som inte längre är en del av oss. In i lineupen går istället 4 mycket duktiga och rutinerade killar. (...) Nu siktar killarna på att spela ihop sig och kommer satsa till 100% för att bli ett topplag. Ett bootcamp stundar och laget siktar på att deltaga på "the eXperience" i Danmark, i sommar."
Nya Tenax:

Ses i Danmark! Lycka till Tenax!
#tenax-gaming @ QNet.
Druidz-bekante obama har hittat nytt
Under i33 gjorde
Druidz riktigt bra ifrån sig men detta till trots bestämde man sig som bekant att göra sig av med (läs mer) den enda holländaren i sin lineup. Jag talar självklart om
obama (eller Barack som han kallade sig innan i33) och han har nu äntligen hittat ett nytt lag i
OVERLOAd. Med sig i laget har han några inte för Chefen kända namn, men efter i33 har han blivit en liten favorit så man får väl passa på att önska dem lycka till!
mutuu kommenterar:
"We are glad to finally announce our line-up at OVERLOAd again. After our last line-up died the OVERLOAd management gave Cyaz and me the trust to rebuild the line-up. We picked up obama from druidz and along with him, two of his irl friends, frogR and heysa, and also one of my irl friends nopax. With these additions we are ready to compete on a high level in both on and offline events, such as Opencup, FGL and the Acer Challenge. Mutuu out!"
obama med vänner:
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"We are glad to finally announce our line-up at OVERLOAd again. After our last line-up died the OVERLOAd management gave Cyaz and me the trust to rebuild the line-up. We picked up obama from druidz and along with him, two of his irl friends, frogR and heysa, and also one of my irl friends nopax. With these additions we are ready to compete on a high level in both on and offline events, such as Opencup, FGL and the Acer Challenge. Mutuu out!"
obama med vänner:

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KomaCrew tillbaka

För ett tag sedan tappade


"We are really happy to join the ranks of Komacrew, after some weeks of contact both parties felt this could work out perfectly for everyone. We are currently still to be seen in the Eurocup and Codqcup and we are really looking forward to attend the Acer challenge, Antwerp eSports Festival and cdc5 in the upcoming months."
KomaCrew med de flygande holländarna:

Visst borde de kunnat hitta en bättre organisation..? Om inte annat - åtminstonde en icke tysktalande!
Källa: via
Veni Vidi Vici gör om

Splatski kommenterar:
"With the departure of Lance, Lowery and Sam from VVV for many reasons, which are no secret to much of the community, Messiah and myself found ourselves right back where we had started. We felt a lot of pressure to get it right this time, after all the talk of the UK scene at the moment, we felt if anything, that we were yet another UK team to let the scene down.
However, we believe having taken our time to pick and choose our players, that we have created a team of players that perform well together. This is why I am very pleased and excited to be attending the summer events with this new look VVV, and hopefully be yet another English team to hold our flag high."
Nya VVV:

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fnatic\mintR med spectator-guide

Saxat från
"Just the other day I got a personal message on my irc from someone who wanted to know if it was possible to watch us play. I gave him a couple of suggestions on where and how to watch us but I later thought it might be good to let more people know how it's done.
That's what this guide will try to do: point you in the right direction for CoD4 matches, in motion on your screen because who would want to listen to a match being broadcasted on radio when the game is as stunning as it is?! Since this is a guide for beginners and new CoD4 players or people who have never watched a demo before I will list a few of the words I use in this guide so it will be easier for you to understand what I?m talking about."
Klart läsvärt, Koddblogg nästa mintR?
Hoppa vidare och läs mer:
EG med ändringar och i33 VoDs

3:an från i33,


"We're thrilled that Adam has decided to join up with us. We feel that Adam will play an important role in our team?s future success and we're eager to start playing alongside him."
Samtidigt har man passat på att släppa en drös VoDs från deras besök i Europa och i33. Nedan följer 2 av dessa, resterande finner ni på
Team EG - Video Tour
Team EG vs. Fnatic
Team EG vs. Fnatic
Oslo Lions tappar PSIR, Fittozauruz ersätter

"We knew PSIR had to leave for the army before the huge LAN's this summer, so we had to get in a replacement for him as soon as we could. After a few trials with a couple norwegian players, we had our eyes on Fittozauruz. alex knew him from being in a clan with him earlier, and he seemed like the perfect fit. For this springs online cups and the LANs this summer we're going to use him instead of PSIR."
Oslo Lions lineup:

Lycka till med de andra lejonen Fittozauruz!
#oslo.lions @ QNet. (källa)
Reason Gaming träder in på CoD4-scenen

Precis som väntat har


"In the aftermath of i33, we walked away feeling a great sense of achievement and on the back of that a few offers came our way which we considered, but the real offer we were looking for came in the form of Reason Gaming. We aim as a team to bring fourth a fresher, more diverse sense to the game itself and with such a high calibre MGC behind us, it shouldnt be a problem. We'll definitly be attending more and more lans as they come fourth, expect to see us at the Antwerp E-Sports Festival, the eXperience, i34 and maybe a few more. Only thing left to say is that exabyte really has come a long way since i created the clan from scratch, and now stepping onto the professional stage really shows what this team has to offer. See you at lan ! <3"
Reason Gaming:

I samband med flytten har man även släppt en trailer för "Reason Gaming - Execute", en fragfilm som skall släppas i sommar och sett på trailern kan den bli riktigt riktigt bra.
#reason-gaming @ QNet. (källa)
Ladda hem:
Reason Gaming - Execute (trailer)
team-ephix plockar upp audacity
Den holländska organisationen
team-ephix blir allt mindre och mindre holländsk. Nu senast har man plockat in
audacity som har presterat bra ifrån sig både på i33 och i Live2Win.
Den rödhårige managern ILoveYou kommenterar nyförvärvet:
"The first team I would like to welcome in our organization is Audacity. Before i33 we already had a few conversations about both the team and their expectations in an organization. We already felt that both their motivation and performance were on a level that corresponds with the visions that we have. After I33 it became completely clear that they have everything what it takes to become the new team-ephix cod4 team and therefore we welcome them in our renewed organisation. They will be attending at least I34 of course and hopefully also AEF where they hopefully will be able to do some upsets."
team-ephix nya kläder:
Den närmsta tiden kommer man dock att tillbringa letandes efter ytterligare en spelare, detta efter att revoltz åkt på semester och Chenson egentligen ska agera backup.
Relaterat: (källa)

Den rödhårige managern ILoveYou kommenterar nyförvärvet:
"The first team I would like to welcome in our organization is Audacity. Before i33 we already had a few conversations about both the team and their expectations in an organization. We already felt that both their motivation and performance were on a level that corresponds with the visions that we have. After I33 it became completely clear that they have everything what it takes to become the new team-ephix cod4 team and therefore we welcome them in our renewed organisation. They will be attending at least I34 of course and hopefully also AEF where they hopefully will be able to do some upsets."
team-ephix nya kläder:

Den närmsta tiden kommer man dock att tillbringa letandes efter ytterligare en spelare, detta efter att revoltz åkt på semester och Chenson egentligen ska agera backup.
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ESA blir Animosity
Att Ungern är ganska duktiga på att föda fram CoD4-spelare vet vi redan. Nu har ett av Ungerns bästa,
ESA hittat ett nytt hem i den tyska organisationen
Animosity och trots att man förlorade sin EMS-kvalmatch mot
4kings (09:13) ser man ljust på framtiden.
mcapokt1f om flytten till Animosity:
"I'm really happy to be a part of this fantastic multigaming. Animosity are giving us the support we need, to be a successful CoD4 team. I hope we will enjoy our time together, and we can make our managers proud. I think we have a lot of potencial and now we have the background to achieve our goals. I also want to thank atLLaz for setting this up and lopez for the kind welcome we got."
Animosity lineup:
Bence "JgR" Barta
Bence "Szeki" Szekeres
László "Pyro" Bubits
Halász "mcapokt1f" Dániel
Csaba "Romeo" Gulyás
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mcapokt1f om flytten till Animosity:
"I'm really happy to be a part of this fantastic multigaming. Animosity are giving us the support we need, to be a successful CoD4 team. I hope we will enjoy our time together, and we can make our managers proud. I think we have a lot of potencial and now we have the background to achieve our goals. I also want to thank atLLaz for setting this up and lopez for the kind welcome we got."
Animosity lineup:

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mgl blir SAMPLE THIS
mgl, som gjorde sig kända som xciteuk under CODQCUP (januari) har nu återigen bytt namn och man kommer nu se dem spela som
SAMPLE THIS. Samtidigt som man gör detta namnbyte passar man även på att göra sig av med britten
wizinium och ta in den f.d. DCC-spelaren
robyYE för att göra lineupen till mer eller mindre helt holländsk. Smart val enligt Chefen..
robyYE kommenterar:
"I'm really happy that I can play under sample this, it's a really nice team and has a lot of potencial, I'm looking forward to attend The Party 6. I would also like to thank my old team DCC Gaming for the time we had together and wish them the best of luck in the future, I know you guys can make it!"
Här närmast ska laget delta i CB EuroCup.
Relaterat: (källa)

robyYE kommenterar:
"I'm really happy that I can play under sample this, it's a really nice team and has a lot of potencial, I'm looking forward to attend The Party 6. I would also like to thank my old team DCC Gaming for the time we had together and wish them the best of luck in the future, I know you guys can make it!"

Här närmast ska laget delta i CB EuroCup.
Relaterat: (källa)
LINQAN tar plats i Fnatic

Idag har

"Why did klanne and zsilts chose to leave?
zsilts chose to leave because he has no motivation left to play the game, he has grown tired of it. he says he might be fit for fight again in a month but we don't have the luxury of being able to wait for him so we had to take the decision to let him go. klanne is our choice to let go, we feel he does not meet the requirements we have on the players in our team, he's just not up to par with the rest of us
What made you decide to take on Linqan and how do you expect him to fit into the team?
With the departure of zsilts and us not feeling klanne was the right type of player for us we started looking for a player that had an aggressive playstyle, someone who was swedish and could hold his own. We have seen linqan rip teams up for some time now and we approached him with an offer. We expect him to first get into the team and learn to play with us and then we expect him to be an integral part of our summer LAN season."
Fnatics nya lineup:
Martin 'mintR' Röjder
Rickard 'zEm' Intveld
Daniel 'tidde' Asp
Marcus 'odyx' Nilsson
Johan 'LINQAN' Lindqvist
Läs mer:
VAE ger upp sin helsvenska satsning

En dag som denna är det inte långt ifrån gråt i halsen när Chefens största favorit på den svenska CoD4-scenen - scrollarN (RB) väljer att lägga CoD4 på hyllan. När anledningen dessutom är en hund, då brister det för mig!
Skämt åsido.. Vicious and Evil har länge varit topp-2 i den svenska CoD-scenen, allt sedan CoD2. Nu känns dessa dagar över när man gett upp sin helsvenska satsning och tagit in 2 bastuälskare istället för

Nya Vicious and Evil:

#vae @ QNet.
h2o satsar på sex
De gamla CoD:UO-fuskarna i
h2o, eller ja.. "Here2Own" (måste vara ett av de mindre bra namnen någonsin) har nu tagit in en sjätte spelare för att säkra aktiviteten. Spelaren i fråga är
niZ, kanske mest känd för sin tid i
defusekids och
Officiell kommentar från h2o:
"Here2own is very happy to present their latest pickup, niZ. After playing with him and the team trying to gel with him in terms of teamplay and communication, we felt that niZ would bring extra quality to the team, and more activity. We also knew he carried a bulk of experience with him, playing for teams such as defusekids and dfiance. As a team, we now feel that we are ready to progress forwards and continue to perform at a high level."
h2o med sina 6:
Pjie har dessutom tagit på sig sin ungerska flagga. Duktigt!
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Officiell kommentar från h2o:
"Here2own is very happy to present their latest pickup, niZ. After playing with him and the team trying to gel with him in terms of teamplay and communication, we felt that niZ would bring extra quality to the team, and more activity. We also knew he carried a bulk of experience with him, playing for teams such as defusekids and dfiance. As a team, we now feel that we are ready to progress forwards and continue to perform at a high level."
h2o med sina 6:

Pjie har dessutom tagit på sig sin ungerska flagga. Duktigt!
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