Ny brittisk satsning i Team Karnage
Den brittiska scenen har visat framfötterna på riktigt i CoD4. Nu har ytterligare ett hårdsatsande lag kört igång i form av
Team Karnage. Här närmast satsar man dock på onlinespel även om i34 hela tiden kommer att figruera i bakgrunden.
Lagets manager,
evd_- kommenterar:
"I've been managing karnage since it first began and from the experience i have gained in doing this, I feel i can make a big difference to the UK gaming scene. The 2 teams we're starting with I've had a close relationship with for a while now and i feel they are also ready for the next level. In terms of competitions, both teams will be lanning regularly and also competing in online leagues. Also I'd like to extend my thanks to Tigit.co.uk who did a great job helping us get ready for the launch."
Team Karnage lineup:
Jamie 'jai' Fisher (Team Captain)
Adam David 'Air1ocK' Parkes
Rhys 'rhys' Gordon
Jonathan 'johnzi' Abram
Jason 'xpz' Love
Återstår att se nu hur länge grabbarna håller ihop.
Team-Dignitas.org (källa)

Lagets manager,

"I've been managing karnage since it first began and from the experience i have gained in doing this, I feel i can make a big difference to the UK gaming scene. The 2 teams we're starting with I've had a close relationship with for a while now and i feel they are also ready for the next level. In terms of competitions, both teams will be lanning regularly and also competing in online leagues. Also I'd like to extend my thanks to Tigit.co.uk who did a great job helping us get ready for the launch."
Team Karnage lineup:

Återstår att se nu hur länge grabbarna håller ihop.
Team-Dignitas.org (källa)
Postat av: kontE
Vilka e de? :S