Veni Vidi Vici gör om

Splatski kommenterar:
"With the departure of Lance, Lowery and Sam from VVV for many reasons, which are no secret to much of the community, Messiah and myself found ourselves right back where we had started. We felt a lot of pressure to get it right this time, after all the talk of the UK scene at the moment, we felt if anything, that we were yet another UK team to let the scene down.
However, we believe having taken our time to pick and choose our players, that we have created a team of players that perform well together. This is why I am very pleased and excited to be attending the summer events with this new look VVV, and hopefully be yet another English team to hold our flag high."
Nya VVV:

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Postat av: chandler
haha oZ är för skön att spela med