SPEED-LINK tillbaka! *

Precis som

I skrivande stund är denna nyhet alldeles för fräsch för ett uttalande på engelska, Koddblogg återkommer med mer info så snabbt det finns mer att hämta.
Nu har det kommit ett statement av

"Finally! A few days ago we just finalised our roster, now we have good news again! We are proud to be a part of Team SPEED-LINK! Its also sad to say, we left KomaCrew because this Organisation is a hell of a clan. But we wanted to move one step more into serious business and decided to join Team SPEED-LINK.
I also have to announce that fatman23 wont be part of us anymore due of internal problems. Anyhow, from now on we will just focus on the ClanBase EuroCup, ESL EAS, ESL EMS, codQcup and the upcoming LAN events. Speaking of which we are planing to attend the Antwerp eSports festival in July. Special thanks to Trigger, Silber our Manager and everyone who supported us in the past! See you soon lads!"

#team-speedlink @ QNet