KomaCrew tar in n1Tro

Officiellt uttalande:
"After we strengthened us with eugen aka gene right before CDC4, things were looking good, until the message came from fatman, telling us he can only function as a back-up from now on. With asset, who after the CDC4 for almost 4 weeks didn't have any time available because of his studies and private reasons, we were just with 4. Thank god fatman23 helped us when asset was inactive. As we were already interested in nitro for a longer period, however we wanted to wait at what would happen with SPEED-LINK, we decided to recruit him as soon as the news about SPEED-LINK hit the public."
KomaCrew version 1.2 (?):

Den stora frågan är dock hur man håller isär smithz och smity på Ventrilo..
Tek-9.org (källa)