Not Identified med full förstafemma


Holländarna i image29 Not Identified (iD) har nu en full lineup bestående av fyra spelare från Holland och en från England. iD spelade ursprungligen Medal Of Honor men beslutade sig i somras för att satsa på CoD. Och efter ett antal goda resultat i diverse 1-dags cuper har nu image29 V1oqor från image29 Team Ephix gått med i laget och vi kan räkna med att höra mer om iD i framtiden.

Storbrittanien revoltz berättar:
"Since the release of Call of Duty 4 we've planned to make an impact on the European scene. However, although we've had a stable core four team of: revoltz, toxjee, mofje and frostyle for a few weeks we were unable to find a suitable fifth. With me knowing V1oqor from Call of Duty 2, I contacted him to play a few nightcups with us to see how the results went. With Gertjan we felt something special happening that we just didn't have before. After a couple of weeks of seeing how things would go, we've now decided to officially present this finalised lineup for not identified. So far, we're planning on an attendance of CDC4 and looking at a possible i33 appearence. Pending results, we will be looking for a stable organisation to join up with in the future."

iD består nu av följande spelare:
Storbrittanien revoltz
image29 mofje
image29 frostyle
image29 toxjee
image29 V1oqor

Lycka till önskar Chefen.



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