Intervju med iFEARdilemma från T6D

Here goes, saxat ur intervjun:
"Q: Welcome iFEARdilemma, and thank you for the time! First things first, for people who don't know you, tell us about yourself.
A: My name is Andre aka iFEARdilemma, captain of #THE6DEVILS and Team-Germany.CoD4, I am 19 years old, going to school and living in good old Germany. I started gaming years ago with games such as Counter-Strike, Tactical-Ops and Quake3, the last of these I preferred most and that's why I love Call of Duty - because CoD is based on the same game engine that Quake 3 was built on.
Q: Congratulations on the codqcup victory, this comes as quite a surprise to most of the community. Why do you think you won this competition? Do you think you prepared better and put more time in than the other teams?
A: I don't think that we prepared better than other teams. Our biggest strength is the ability to motivate everyone in the team to his limits, as some may have seen in the TEK9 OOF CoD2 LAN. Besides that we are friends, 3 of our team even live in the same town! And don't forget about our very stable lineup, we have played in this lineup since October 2006 with just 1-2 small changes without touching the core. So I think the things which make the difference between us and other teams is real friendship and motivation / our will.
Q: Well, as you're not attending CDC4, what does the future hold for T6D after this victory? Which future LANs and online tournaments will we be able to see you at ?
A: If we would have enough support on our back or just enough money, we would attend every LAN which is held anywhere. Our next goals are important upcoming online tournaments like the next CoDQCup or the ClanBase OpenCup / Eurocup for example. And who knows, maybe we will find a good organisation which allows us to visit some of the future LANs. At the moment we are making plans to attend the CDC4 LAN. I hope our plan will work and besides that even if we don't get support in near future we will surely save some money for the next OOF LAN."
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Postat av: Språkpolisen:D
"toplag efter toplag" inte riktigt va:D