L3`Restyle intervjuad

LejonDivine-eSport.com har i en alldeles fräsch intervju grabbat tag i Belgien Restyle, en av de tongivande spelarna i Belgiens hetaste CoD4-lag, Belgien LowLandLions. Restyle har varit rubrikernas man även tidigare efter att han hoppat till L3 från den evigt bittre konkurrenten Belgien dfiance (läs mer här).

I en intervju som egentligen inte täcker så mycket mer än det vanliga anar man relativt snabbt att Restyle föredrog (eller föredrar) franskan framför engelskan under sin tid i skolbänken.

Sax och klister gav följande resultat:
"Q: CoD4 has brought diversified opinions with itself. Competetive grounds have changed drasticly compared to CoD2 (perks etc.). How is your view on this?
A: The cod4 competitive ruleset immediately took shape and got adjusted some times and it made it look a bit more like cod2 gameplay wise. There isn't much changed but one of the biggest factors will be the sprint , it adds a lot more speed to the game witch makes it a lot nicer to spectate. What i really like is that it is no longer Bar vs Mp44 (or cold vs ak in cs) now you can use a lot of good machineguns that are suited for a different playstyle. And the smoke isn't limited to the shotgunner only but it has a very short smoke time wich both give a lot more tactical possibilities combined with nades and sprint.

Q: The move to CoD4 has been extremely succesfull for Lowlandlions. Though, other teams have been rather unsuccesfull. How is your view on this move and the eventual pros and cons?
A: First of all I wouldn't really say that since there are a lot of good teams in cod4 that come from cod2 as well also there are a lot more big multigaming clans taking interests into the game. As far as LowLandLions concerns , we have had a great kick off not only playing cod4 but our organisation is supporting us very well. We will be launching our new website very soon www.LowLandLions.com , be sure to check it out (we also got some crew spots open). We haven't played in last codQcup but I think this might give us a little advantage that teams know less about us and we more about them.

Q: You guys are going to attend the CDC 4 LAN, in holland. How will you guys prepare for this LAN?
A: We are practicing for some time now and things are going pretty good , we'll just try to play as much as possible next week. Before the matches ... Ecu will wash his hands before the match , stevy will eat some mexican food , sticky is gona crouch on his chair (crazy guy) I will just chill out and try to get a massage from some random supporter or something ;)

Q: Where do you see Lowlandlions in the future after having such a succesfull start in this game and all the opportunities which are coming up in the CoD scene to prove yourselves?

A: After cdc4 we we'll take a break for a while since we won't be attending I33 because i'm going skiing and they don't want to go with a merc. But we'll be playing a lot of online cups , there are a few really good cups such as codQcup. We will also be attending all the next lan events that will come!

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Postat av: dohfOs

överskattade imho -.- ..om d nu inte helt plötsligt blivit sjukt mycket bättre, men känns väl tveksamt :p

2008-02-22 @ 17:48:10
Postat av: Bea

Sköna grabbar iaf, skillsen sitter väl rätt fint med schysst teamplay :)

2008-02-22 @ 17:57:27

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