vae-LOKE och RR`frijec i rapport från Roskilde
Nu börjar det strömma in rapporteringar från det svensk-danska träningslägret i Roskilde. Igår skrev jag om
mintRs blogg (läs mer här, eller scrolla några centimeter neråt) och idag är det dags för två nya ansikten..
Först ut,
"When everyone had gathered up in Malmo and we started our trip towards Roskilde we had ALOT of troubles finding the bridge so we could cross to Denmark. First we followed the sign but the signs were evil stopped appearing so we had to call toppe and ask for directions. It took along while but finally we found that oversized bridge and payed the tull and went abroad. Well in Denmark we were even more lost and the clock was around 1 o'clock. So we called frijec and asked what way we should take and he said "just follow the Roskilde signs...". To find to Roskilde was not so hard, I think we took the wrong way but we found it. But now we ended up in another maze, we were lost yer again.
So we called frijec and asked for his help and we tried to follow his advice but we did not find the LAN centre anyway. So we called him again, and got lost again, so we called him again and then we got lost.
We never found the right street, and I know poeple use to say "every road leads to Rome", and I can say that they can't be more wrong. Every road leads to that fucking Domkirken!
After a while of driving around trying to find the way we called the other dane, woomzy. So woomzy met us at the solcentre and we squeesed in to the car and he showed us the way. We started the next day with some gaming and then we looked up a place to eat, so we ate and then we stooked up on energy drinks and went back to the LANing area.
When everyone was here we started to play and we orderd in some food from some random restaurant, and here's a typ: Don't order in shish kebab when you are in Denmark. From here on we have only been geeking us through the night and the morning, when we went out for lunch we walked a long while trying to find McDonalds but we did not. Shocking, huh. But for dinner, we got our McDonalds food and as always its to much fucking ice in the coke, to much salt on the fries, and some disgusting cuecomber on the burger but aside from that it was quite good. We are going to keep playing and I am going to miss out on alot of honor-grinding in wow. I know, it sucks huh, but as always I do anything for my teammates."
Och så såklart även
"Bootcamping Chronicles
After a few weeks of planning and general conversations, it was finally time for our long awaited bootcamp with fnatic, VAE and infinity. Both of the swedish team arrived by car, and apparently the GPS aint invented in Sweden. So after 2 teams driving the wrong way, we finally got them coordinated towards Roskilde.
It wasnt hard for them to get settled in, they just picked a room to sleep in at the house and a table to play from. Although some of the computers were rather locked to test out a new ghost, there havent been any real problems. Most of the friday we spend playing fnatic on all the maps in the mappool, so when we finally was done for the night we were too tired to play the others. I think we all crashed around 3am, and we planned to all get up around 11am and get ready to play all day.
We got up around 10-11am because it was kinda hard to sleep anymore for some reason, it might the nice mixture of candy and redbull we all injected throughout the evening. So we spend like an hour or 2 talking and playing other games before we went into real hard praccing. Today we played VAE and infinity on most of the maps with a few breaks in between and after that, we needed a serious amount of tweaking of our tactics. That took some time but it turned out really well. So after some dinner and a little fun time, we were up for another round of fnatic. So far this has been the best bootcamp I've ever had in any game, everyone is having a really great time and I'm glad we're all getting along so well. So after around 14 hours of praccing, it was finally time for some drinking! (vae.Loke rules btw, but not his driving)."
Relaterat: (frijecs blogg)

Först ut,

So we called frijec and asked for his help and we tried to follow his advice but we did not find the LAN centre anyway. So we called him again, and got lost again, so we called him again and then we got lost.
We never found the right street, and I know poeple use to say "every road leads to Rome", and I can say that they can't be more wrong. Every road leads to that fucking Domkirken!
After a while of driving around trying to find the way we called the other dane, woomzy. So woomzy met us at the solcentre and we squeesed in to the car and he showed us the way. We started the next day with some gaming and then we looked up a place to eat, so we ate and then we stooked up on energy drinks and went back to the LANing area.
When everyone was here we started to play and we orderd in some food from some random restaurant, and here's a typ: Don't order in shish kebab when you are in Denmark. From here on we have only been geeking us through the night and the morning, when we went out for lunch we walked a long while trying to find McDonalds but we did not. Shocking, huh. But for dinner, we got our McDonalds food and as always its to much fucking ice in the coke, to much salt on the fries, and some disgusting cuecomber on the burger but aside from that it was quite good. We are going to keep playing and I am going to miss out on alot of honor-grinding in wow. I know, it sucks huh, but as always I do anything for my teammates."
Och så såklart även

"Bootcamping Chronicles
After a few weeks of planning and general conversations, it was finally time for our long awaited bootcamp with fnatic, VAE and infinity. Both of the swedish team arrived by car, and apparently the GPS aint invented in Sweden. So after 2 teams driving the wrong way, we finally got them coordinated towards Roskilde.

We got up around 10-11am because it was kinda hard to sleep anymore for some reason, it might the nice mixture of candy and redbull we all injected throughout the evening. So we spend like an hour or 2 talking and playing other games before we went into real hard praccing. Today we played VAE and infinity on most of the maps with a few breaks in between and after that, we needed a serious amount of tweaking of our tactics. That took some time but it turned out really well. So after some dinner and a little fun time, we were up for another round of fnatic. So far this has been the best bootcamp I've ever had in any game, everyone is having a really great time and I'm glad we're all getting along so well. So after around 14 hours of praccing, it was finally time for some drinking! (vae.Loke rules btw, but not his driving)."
Relaterat: (frijecs blogg)