zeroPoint! lägger ner
För bara ett par dagar sen skrev jag om hur zeroPoint byggde om lineupen när de petade ImpreZ (läs om det här). Nu meddelar att laget lägger ner med omedelbar verkan då Steve och quINN inte klarar av det hårda livet som satsande datorspelare och därför "sa upp sig". Laget planerade dock att ersätta finnarna när nkr helt plötsligt hoppade av. Helt säkert är att det är något som ligger bakom, då tre spelare inte bara slutar så där. Framtiden för zeroPoints CoD-sektion är alltså väldigt oviss.
Saxat från
After not even a month, i am very disappointed and sad to announce the disband of our Call Of Duty 4 team. The start was very promising and it looked like the team was stable and motivated. But unfortunaly this didnt last long. The highly ambition to become a top team didnt match the schedule of two players. Steve and quiNN decided to step down because they couldnt afford the time to practise enough. The plan of the 3 remaining players was to recruit 2 new motivated and active players, but nkr dropped the ball and left all of a sudden. The future of denizen and Sko is open, but they want to continue to play.
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Saxat från
After not even a month, i am very disappointed and sad to announce the disband of our Call Of Duty 4 team. The start was very promising and it looked like the team was stable and motivated. But unfortunaly this didnt last long. The highly ambition to become a top team didnt match the schedule of two players. Steve and quiNN decided to step down because they couldnt afford the time to practise enough. The plan of the 3 remaining players was to recruit 2 new motivated and active players, but nkr dropped the ball and left all of a sudden. The future of denizen and Sko is open, but they want to continue to play.
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