Dansken är tillbaka

Efter att ha haft problem med WoW och aktivitet har nu danskarna Roskilde eSport kommit tillbaka till Call of Duty med en, för tillfället inte helt färdig, förstafemma.
Den närmaste tiden kommer gå åt till att få ihop laget och avgöra vem som blir den 6:e spelaren, men för tillfället nöjer dom sig med att meddela oss detta:
Citat av fRiJeC, saxat från Team-Dignitas.org:
For some time we have been trying to find a suitable lineup for our COD4 squad and tested a fair amount of new and old players, but finally we have found a solution we were satisfied with. After Trixy disappeared, Champ didn?t have COD4 and played WoW instead, we had some trouble fielding a team. The first player to present is Mik ?Champ? Bødtker who has returned from WoW since he got us convinced WoW was over for him, we?re happy to have him back as he is a nice asset for the future. The 2nd player is a good friend of mine Mads ?Hmz? Lauridsen, who?ve returned to COD4 with a great attitude and hunger to reach the top in this game. The 5 main players haven?t been selected yet, but it will be set over the next few weeks. I have no doubt we?ll cause some damage with this all Danish lineup. So far you?ll see us in action at Crossfire #4 and hopefully i33 too, besides those events we?ll participate in a few selected online cups. To prepare ourselves for the upcoming months, we?ll be bootcamping at our clubhouse 11-13th of January.
Spelarna som ska slåss om de fem platserna är:

Roskilde eSport
#roskilde-esport @ QNet