iMMix blir PHG.EURO
iMMix Gaming har sett över Atlanten för att hitta en passande organisation för dem. Man tycks i alla fall ha hittat rätt för nu presenteras man som PowerHouse Gaming. iMMix består av spelare som tidigare tillhört organisationer såsom
violenceisbad samt
Overload. Om detta blir en lyckosam flytt återstår att se, klart är i alla fall att man nu kan se fram mot klart bättre backning än tidigare.
"We're very delighted to be a part of the North American organization known as PowerHouseGaming which are known for their stability and overall high skill. We are going to do our very best to win as many lans as possible and we're looking forward to give the European community a taste of what PHG is really about! Overall, this opens new possibilities for us as a team and opens a gate to the real professional gaming careers everyone dreams of at the highest level. Shoutouts to robinzjaa, charlezy, v1oqor and all our sponsors!"
PowerHouse Gaming - EUROPE lineup:
Tom 'vato' Verdonk
Pieter 'pietje' Bijl
Sam 'uteLise' Vis
Ferenc 'djunkii' Gal
Nick 'creaMz' Eijsink
Wim 'phantom' Wienen
Roligaste nicket på länge har i alla fall "ute-Lise" som säkerligen inte har en aning om vad det kan tänkas betyda på svenska.
#phg (källa)


"We're very delighted to be a part of the North American organization known as PowerHouseGaming which are known for their stability and overall high skill. We are going to do our very best to win as many lans as possible and we're looking forward to give the European community a taste of what PHG is really about! Overall, this opens new possibilities for us as a team and opens a gate to the real professional gaming careers everyone dreams of at the highest level. Shoutouts to robinzjaa, charlezy, v1oqor and all our sponsors!"
PowerHouse Gaming - EUROPE lineup:

Roligaste nicket på länge har i alla fall "ute-Lise" som säkerligen inte har en aning om vad det kan tänkas betyda på svenska.
#phg (källa)