MLG tar in CoD4

Major League Gaming, MLG har bestämt sig för att satsa på CoD4, dessvärre för de flesta av oss är det alltså CoD4 till XBOX som gäller och inte PC. Om detta är bra eller dåliga nyheter tåls nog att diskuteras, för på den ena sidan så blir det trots allt en liten splittring inom scenen - PC mot XBOX. Men samtidigt får CoD4 som spel i sig mer och mer uppmärksamhet - och det är ingenting dåligt alls. Först och främst de amerikanska XBOX-lirarna sitter nog på helspänn nu över de $5000 dollars MLG skjuter in i CoD4. Två steg fram, ett steg bak eller tvärtom?
"Major League Gaming is pleased to announce the opening of a $5,000 Call of Duty 4 Online Tournament! Registration is now open, and is limited to only 80 teams, so be sure to sign up right away as the tournament is sure to rapidly fill up.
Teams/Cost: 80 teams, 50 MLG Credits per player Prize Money Breakdown:

5th-8th: 200 credits
Thats over $5000 dollars in prize money! Call of Duty 4 has been widely recognized as one of the best competitive shooters to be released in years and already has a large following on GameBattles. We cannot wait to see how this tournament unfolds and look forward to keeping you updated as it progresses. Remember to assemble your team and register as soon as possible or risk missing out!"
För den som aldrig hört talas om MLG tidigare har man skrivit såär om sig själv:
"Major League Gaming (MLG) is the largest organized league and international sanctioning body for the world's fastest growing competitive sport: professional video gaming. Recognized as the global governing authority for millions of competitive gamers worldwide, MLG's ongoing professional video gaming tournaments have attracted competitors from over 28 countries. Currently expanding worldwide through its international sanctioning body, millions of Major League Gaming fans communicate hourly and participate daily through, the world's largest competitive video gaming destination. MLG operates its online, television production, game development and product licensing operations through MLG Properties and through MLG Management develops the careers of a roster of the world's most accomplished pro gamers. Headquartered in New York City, Major League Gaming is privately held"
Chuck och Morgan lär i alla fall jubla och Chefen får önska dem lycka till i MLG:s Pro Circuit.
Rakaka (källa)
Postat av: dohfOs
seriöst. palla fps på konsoll -.- super mario hej