zeroPoint! med nytt lag

Två Engelsmän, två Finnar och en Svensk. Det är vad Sverige zeroPoints nya laguppställning består av när de satsar på CoD4. Laget (läs mer om dem här), med bl.a. DoD i bagaget, går alltså från att heta Special Operations Executive till svenska zeroPoint!

image112nkr berättar:

"I am extremely happy to once again be a part of zP! This will be my fourth game with this organisation and I have some of the best memories from the people and players that were a part of the zeroPoint community and teams. While we are not yet a top team we are working hard and improving each day, knowing that if we keep this up we will one day be there.

We hope to provide some good results under the name of zP! and to bring some life into the zP! community once again.

Storbrittanien bAc
Storbrittanien denizen
Sverige nkr
Finland quiNN
Finland Steve

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