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"Q: You recently placed 2nd in the Crossfire Devotii Challenge, how do you feel about this achievement?
A: For me crossfire was my first Real competative event, and to achieve 2nd place was unreal for me (however I definatly feel that under the circumstances we were denied of first xD). In addition the prize money was greatly needed at that moment in time.
Q: Do you think the fact that SocClon and LoOkzor had to catch a plane, and thus you guys had to hurry, and playing fnatic's homemap in the final influenced the eventual outcome?
A: Most deffinatly, our whole mindset was to finish the game in time , rather than winning it. The most dissapointing part of the mess for me was after playing more than half of the allied side (which was rushed) to be told that the final would only take place on the present map. However, we cannot blame anyone else but ourselves as we put ourselves in the situation. We wish danny the best results in his exam!
Q: Should Tosspot have dealt with this matter in another way, or did he dealt correctly according to the situation, since some people in the community feel that you guys got "Tosspot'd"?
A: Well to be honest the only 2 options Tosspot had were for us to play as it was or for us to defult all together. However i feel if we were told at the start it was one map and for that map not to be there homemap, I think the results would have differed. We can only blame ourselves for the situation tosspot was in and in all fairness the guy had a tough desicion to make.
Q: Moving on to i33, how is your teams preparation going? Is it better than your CDC preparation, since I heard you had some PC problems before the event?
A: Well firstly, our training regime is going very well despite our home PC problems. We are hoping to sort the PC situation before i33 as 3 of our players (SoCLoN , LoOkzor , stat) are at about an average of 60 fps, which is never good. However our options are looking good and we should be ready for i33.
Q: Does it influence your playing style that you have to play at "shit" pc's at home, and then all of the sudden play on decent pc's with stable 125 FPS then?
A: Well in all honesty I think if we can beat most teams at home on bad PC's it can only be a bonus to be on Good PC's at LAN. However just to make sure, we will be doing alot of warming up on the Stable computers to get the feel of them."
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