dignitas\Mick under strålkastaren

"Q: In general, how do you think the Crossfire tournament was run? For example, do you think Tosspot handled the H2k/oXmose bug abuse correctly?
A: I think the bug isn't so severe but still, shouldn't be allowed to ever be used in competition ever again. The rules for scripting should be clearly stated and teams should lose by forfeit if ever caught to be using these. As for the tournament its self, it was done to the best of there ability as far as I know, one thing annoyed me though. The delays were too severe and well playing 3 maps in 3 days just kinda sums that up.
Q: After watching the final between TLR and Fnatic, do you think Fnatic deserved the win, or could TLR have won if the circumstances had been different?
A: Haha well .. I didn't watch it ! but from what I hear it was a close game and could of gone either way, who knows what would of happened if TLR didn't have to rush and could of played more then one map, think of the future not the past!
Q: Moving on, you recently added Sko to your roster and dropped lukzaR, how does the change in players influence your preperation for the i33 event?
A: It influences it a lot, not that lukzar was bad, because he was an exceptional player. Its just the way SKO looks at certain situations and well he's really helped us with our communication as well. So I would say only good things have come from it. What does SKO bring to the team personal/skillwise that made you pick him over other players and putting lukzaR aside?
I was always a fan of him in COD2, I liked what he did with Tek-9 and we always used to talk about things, so I can see him staying in Dignitas for an extremely long time and I know his skill wasn't up to scratch when we got him, but we have been playing a lot and he's been playing like a machine.
Q: With this new roster, do you think Dignitas can pick themselves up again and take i33 like we are used from you?
A: Most deffinetly, we are playing well, our mindset is really positive, and we have nothing to lose! So we will go into this tournament with a lot of confidence and composure to take the title."
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