ESL med CoD4-liga

image261ESL öppnar imorgon upp signups för en CoD4-liga som faktiskt kan kännas intressant. Speciellt i och med att man valt att inte spela med perks (som annars frekvent blivit använt på ESL) samt att man tagit sig an både nosway och sniper-fixen.

ESL förklarar läget:
"We are happy to announce the beginning of a new league in the ESL Call of Duty 4 section. Starting this Spring, the Call of Duty 4 league will be open for all teams to join.
Positioned below the ESL Major Series it will give clans of all abilities the chance to compete in an organised league and it will also be an opportunity to qualify for the next season of the EMS.

Key Facts
Unlimited number of teams - All teams can signup
Multiple divisions based on skill
Groups of 6 teams - Every team plays at least 5 matches
Double elimination playoffs for each division

5on5 Search & Destroy
No Perks (exact ruleset to be finalized)
No gun sway (Sniper Fix)
Groupstage is played 2 maps, full 40 rounds
Playoffs are played best of three maps, first to 11

Signups open: 9th March
Signups close: 23rd March
First group draft: 30th March
Second group draft: 3rd April
Final draft, groups placed: 6th April

Matches played every week from 14th April to 18th May, plus one week of catch-up

2nd and 3rd place teams face off against each other, 26th May to 1st June

1st place team from each group plus the relegation winners, double elimination, 2nd to 29th June

Chefen hoppas på stort svenskt deltagande.

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