fnatic\mintR om bänkningen av klanne och i33

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"Q: Do you think the pressure the community put on you is unrealistic, or only fair considering your performances and your organisation?
A: I thought the criticism we received after our going out in the codQcup was a bit unfounded but at the same time it did give us that little extra will power to prove every one wrong. We have a really hard time staying a 100% focused when we play online and in a game as tight as cod4 that can make a world of difference in performance. On LAN how ever it's completely different and I think that's where we show our true form.
Q: Moving on to your recent roster change, you just picked up zEm after his premature return from Thailand. As he stated he missed you guys and just wanted to start playing again. Was this really the only reason, or were there some things going on within the team and klanne?
A: zEm had been in Thailand for over a month and I think he was getting slightly bored with it. I asked him if he wanted to come with us to England if he could get back and prepare for it in time. He said yes and that's how it went down. Klanne was amazing but zEm was always in our first 5 and I couldn't think of any one better to play with personally so for me it wasn't a hard decision.
Q: When you started this team, were klanne and the others aware of the fact that one of them could be put on the bench for zEm? Did klanne not perform well enough, is that why you decided to swap him?
A: Originally we didn't have tidde or klanne. They both came in as replacements for wnkr and zEm as we learned they were joining army and going on vacation. It was always clear that they were standins. Tiddes being in the team was cemented quite early since wnkr would be gone for a year and he was a part of our 6 man line before klanne was even considered. Klanne came in to fill for zEm, as for klannes performance I have nothing to complain about there. The reasons for the swap are simply a matter of last in first out, nothing else.
Q: How does the fact that zEm hasn't played CoD4 that often since the release (correct me if I'm wrong), influence your preparation for the i33 event? I mean, he has to learn many styles, maps, nades, rotations etc.
A: zEm did play for a long time when the game was released. He knew much of the basics already. Any one that knows zEm would say that he's a natural, he has no problems picking up any game really and it's his mind set and the way he thinks when he plays that I value the most, apart from being a great friend. His preparation for i33 is going great and I have faith in him performing really well at the event.
Q: From here to i33, in general, how is your preparation going for the event? Have you been practising much, or are you just taking it easy?
A: I've had zEm at my place since he came home from Thailand and we have been restructured the way we play now with zEm as opposed to how we played with klanne. We've also partied and had a generally good time. Everything to get him up to speed with the team. There has been a lot of long nights of CoD4 and I hope it will be enough."
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Postat av: donk
zemlan är en art för sig, måste ha en sådan i laget. :)
Lycka till i England grappar!
Postat av: dohfOs
lycka till där borta nu grabbar :)