L3 med förhandstitt inför i33

LowLandLions.com med

"With my expert view (!!) I expect to see Fnatic shaking things up again, this time with zEm the legendary gamer carrying Fnatic into the finals and most probably also with title. However, do not count Team-Dignitas out, this is their home event, they have won it for years, and I don?t think they are quite ready to give it up this fast. Also count on TLR to be sharpening their knives and putting Fnatic and other teams on the torture bench, just to prove that they are not a ?fluke? like most of the community is calling them since CDC. Then there is the TEK9 side, who play with a sub, the Roskilde Ravens and 4Kings. Wait, I forgot Team-EG from the United States of America! These teams are the seeded teams who are going all out, and the team I expect to suprise us all is EG. No one in Europe has ever played these guys in an official and since there are no demos avaiable of them playing with our ruleset, I think they can make i33 very interesting. Hopefully the Americans can pull something off, and MAYBE even take back the title of best CoD team in the Transatlantic (which belongs to TEK9, after their WSVG win)."
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