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Norges favorit

"Q: Now you have been playing games like Call of duty 1 - 2 - 4 , Quake 4, ET wich game do you think you?ve enjoyed the most?
A: Call of duty 1 in the start, with the bunnyhopping, and Quake4 towards the end when I was winning against people i looked up to in my noob days (when playing q3, i pretty much loved watching players like fox, fooki, socrates, etc playing..)
Q: You have also been known for playing for the big names wich team have you liked the most?
A: Dignitas by far, Really love the team, the people in the team, the managers and everything.. It's way different from other teams I've been in, a lot more friendlier in dignitas, everyone talks to everyone, we're kinda like a huge family :)
Q: i33 event in England is coming up next, your team dignitas will be attending how are you guys preparing for that event?
A: We've recently replaced luka with SKO and we've been preparing by playing a lot a lot a lot everyday, even weekends. And I have seen us taking huge steps in a positive direction, and I can't wait to play at i33 :)
Q:Recently Clanbase crew announced the groups for EuroCup XVII, you are in the same group as DEFEATERS, and Roskilde Ravens wich team do you think is the biggest threat in your group?
A: Roskilde obviously, but I also think fastswitch if they have their day can be a tough opponent, I don't really know a lot about Defeaters, but according to luckeR they are a good team, so we're not taking any matches lightly :)
Q: Arent you happy to see a team from Norway partipate in the cup?
A: I'm thrilled, fastswitch is a very good team with very nice people in it, I hope they go through our group (with us) and show people that norway can do good in cod4 also :D"
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