strelok skadad, TW!ST ersätter

strelok kommenterar:
"I went to the hospital today, the surgeon dude did some tests and looked at xray photo's; There's a crack in the bone close to the elbow joint or whatever, which causes a strong pain when I try to move my lower arm.
Also there's too much blood/fluid around/in the elbow joint, which makes it hard to move it in general. He thinks it will take a little while until the pain will start decreasing, and after a while it will heal completely. So that's good for later on.. but atm I'm fucked. Good luck to Adam and the boys, I'm sure they can make me proud by persuing their goals, which will make a high placement at iseries quite feasible!"
TW!ST kommer således att spela med Tek-9 under i33 och hur detta kommer påverka resultatet återstår att se, men visst måste det svida för alla i organisationen (ja, förrutom för TW!ST då) att man tappat en av sina nyckelspelare bara dagar innan CoD4:as största (sett på prispengarna) hittills.
Postat av: kontE
tw!st who?
Postat av: Steken
Stackars liten, vad ska han nu göra...