TEK9|kammYz intervjuad

"Q: When you joined TEK9, a lot of criticism was aimed at you, making out that you weren't good enough to be in TEK9. Do you feel you have beaten these critics with your on-form performance lately?
A: I don't know about that, I've never listened other peoples opinions.. at least not too much. Some might think that I?m not good enough for TEK9, and some not.. I don't care..
Q: Well your performance at the CDC4 a couple of weeks ago was immense, how do you personally train yourself coming up to a big event?
A: I try not to think about it. Before CDC4 I asked my team-mates to leave me out of practice for a few days before the event, and decrease the amount of practicing the same week because I wanted to be motivated. But now I don't think that's needed, I'm going to find motivation for a LAN event, whatever the case. Anyways it was only my first LAN so I can't really say anything about preparing yourself to a big event. =)
Q: How was your experience at CDC4?
A: Amazing, the LAN was nice. I didn't care about the delays, I met some cool people and playing was fancy with nice ping, good FPS and a TFT screen!
Q: Were you at all disappointed with the 5/6th standing that TEK9 placed?
A: Yes, but after few days I came out of it and realised it was pretty good considering the circumstances."
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