TLR intervjuade efter CDC4-triumfen

Självklart höjde många på ögonbrynen och kanske just därför har gjort en intervju med lagets frontfigur,

"Q: The players in your current lineup have been in the scene for a while, but until now have never really reached the top level. What do you think it is about your current setup which has so drastically made an impact?
A: Well, I think the fact were all the same nationality helps (well, passport wise ^_^) alongside the fact we all get along well and don't bicker in game at silly things etc. Tbh the main factor why we work so well together is all our play styles fit together perfect and are very adaptable like soclon can snipe amazingly and rush amazingly.
Q: So would you say your team's playstyle is an aggressive one?
A: Well we are kinda known for having an aggressive play-style, but we can certainly mix it up when we want to =]
Q: Ok so on i33 in a few weeks time. Do you think you can replicate your CDC success? How's the practice going?
A: Yeah I think we can do as well if not better, we haven't played as a team since cdc as diablo's away till Sunday which is when the practice will start =] As long as we get as good PC's for LAN as we did at WZZRD there?s no stopping us :D"
Ett helbrittiskt lag som presterar? Chefen tror knappt sina ögon..
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