SPEED-LINK splittrar Legendary
Efter att
Enrico "Fuchsstute" Ausborn lagt CoD4 på hyllan verkade de tyska CoD2-giganterna
SPEED-LINK ha stött på problem. Men såhär under julhelgen verkar man la löst dessa genom att ha lockat över inte mindre än 2 f.d.
Legendary-spelare. Legendary som faktiskt måste ha setts som Tysklands bästa lag i början av CoD4 är nu kvarlämnat i endast spillror av sitt forna jag. De som tagit steget över är ET-idolen
humM3L samt hans svans
humM3L gav följande uttalande till Crossfire.nu:
"Im really glad to play with ppl like Trigger , spaR or phY1. They got alot of knowledge and lan experience in the Call of Duty series. The team was formed by Trigger and he wants a team which is 100 % loyal and really motivated for the upcoming events. I think everyone of us know what we want and the next time will be hard but we have our first bootcamp in 3 weeks and ofc our first goal will be the CDC4 in netherlands which is coming closer.
Well i enjoyed my ET time really much but CoD4 is a new and good feeling and im happy that i changed my game. Its fast, skilled and tactical at the same time and the community is amazingly big. It really feels good to have a company such as SPEED-LINK in your back and the fact to be able to LAN as much as you want really makes it comfortable. But at the end only the team matters and even if the support will be good its way more important to have a stable lineup and team behind you."
Det lämnat SPEED-LINK med följande lineup:
Enligt ryktet innebär det samtidigt att CrossfireQCup var det sista vi såg av Legendary. Vad som händer nu med
KickzZ samt
soulreaper som således fick kicken från SPEED-LINK återstår att se.
Källa etc:

"Im really glad to play with ppl like Trigger , spaR or phY1. They got alot of knowledge and lan experience in the Call of Duty series. The team was formed by Trigger and he wants a team which is 100 % loyal and really motivated for the upcoming events. I think everyone of us know what we want and the next time will be hard but we have our first bootcamp in 3 weeks and ofc our first goal will be the CDC4 in netherlands which is coming closer.
Well i enjoyed my ET time really much but CoD4 is a new and good feeling and im happy that i changed my game. Its fast, skilled and tactical at the same time and the community is amazingly big. It really feels good to have a company such as SPEED-LINK in your back and the fact to be able to LAN as much as you want really makes it comfortable. But at the end only the team matters and even if the support will be good its way more important to have a stable lineup and team behind you."
Det lämnat SPEED-LINK med följande lineup:

Enligt ryktet innebär det samtidigt att CrossfireQCup var det sista vi såg av Legendary. Vad som händer nu med

Källa etc: