Team återigen 5
Ett av de mest framgångsrika CoD-lagen i landet som ligger något österut,
Team (LGT) har stött på både ett och tre problem på vägen till toppen av CoD4. Först förlorade man två spelare efter Wonderbase-lanet vilket gjorde att man aldrig reste till EuroCup-finalerna. Sedan, nu senast lämnade
sec, finlands kanske största CoD-ego laget, p.g.a. vad man kallade "interna problem" till pånyttfödda
Da Imperial Executers. Men nog med problem nu. För det visade sig nämnligen att
plaekki, även han en CoD2-hjälte från sin tid i
Insignia Cadre, kommit tillbaka från lumpen. Och schwichhh sa det - och LGT är tillbaka med 5 spelare.
Uttalande från
"After sec departing from the team, we were forced to look another member to replace sec's position. Due to our teams close athmosphere we knew the task wont be easy, but after noticing plaekki will be returning from army right in start of the next year, we had a guy to add who is close friends with pottu and raiskale. With this we are going to start playing actively again in 2008, and we are also attending cdc4 and other upcoming lans. We from the team would like to wish everyone a merry xmas and happy new year. Also wishing jonzku, sacrim and orp a good time in the Finnish army!"
Team lineup:
Hyvää joulua önskar Chefen!

Uttalande från

"After sec departing from the team, we were forced to look another member to replace sec's position. Due to our teams close athmosphere we knew the task wont be easy, but after noticing plaekki will be returning from army right in start of the next year, we had a guy to add who is close friends with pottu and raiskale. With this we are going to start playing actively again in 2008, and we are also attending cdc4 and other upcoming lans. We from the team would like to wish everyone a merry xmas and happy new year. Also wishing jonzku, sacrim and orp a good time in the Finnish army!"
Team lineup:

Hyvää joulua önskar Chefen!