CDC4 uppdaterar schemat

CDC4 som drar igång om bara några dagar har nu uppdaterat sitt schema så det är lite "noob-vänligare" kan vi väl kalla det för. Nu förstår till och med Chefen när matcherna kommer att spelas. Samtidigt upplyser arrangör

TosspoT talar:
"The final schedule for CDC4 is available - updated with teamnames and a few changes based on requests.
Could ALL teams check the schedule for any problems they have tonight/tommorow. Additionally could ALL teams update their Crossfire Clan Profile, or register a new one if you have changed names. On Monday night/Tuesday the bracket system will be publically available and thus we need both schedule and teams 100% accurate.
Saturday 09:15 ET games should read np vs ephix and TAG vs FiF, not TAG vs ephix and np vs FiF
Friday 23:30 CoD4 games should read d vs DMH and UF vs VAE, not Imp vs d2t and DIE vs Imm
Saturday 22:15 ETQW game should read stoff vs kC, not stoff vs TCM"
Fulla schemat: