DailyCOD intervjuar: MY|mow

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: Let's dig deeper into the recent move, the ending of MYTEAM. What was the main reason?
A: Well, basicly it all happened by one reason, ill explain. When you play games online, you play for fun BUT when I play something I wanna be the best in it or else I consider it pointless to play, its an way of acting in life and honestly after playing for 5/6 years I want to get something in reward for playing, something that ive never had in all these years, so when you stop having fun you only keep playing if you get rewarded and when you don't, you quit. Me and dev think the same way and we have a long chat about this and about our lifes in the future and thats when we realised it wasn't worth it to keep playing at such a high level.
Q: Does living in Portugal affect your decision? Does it make it any harder to find actual support or getting into top teams?
A: Yes, grand part of the decision was because gaming in Portugal is not really developed yet. There aren't many teams that I consider at a professional level and the ones that are can't give you the support if you want to be the best in your game, because you can only be the best if you compete at the highest level online and offline, if you don't get any support to attend offline events its impossible for you to do anything 'big'.
Q: Any last tips you can give your fellow gamers?
A: Factors to become the best: high level experience, losing multiple times till reaching 'perfection', motivation, dedication, talent (if you don't have it you may just quit now) and must important factor, be the leader of a team, for me its the biggest and best experience you can get from gaming, to learn how to 'command' a team of 5 players in a game, the need to think for 5 people and to lead 5 players to victory, it really develops you skillwise."
Personligen tycker jag det är konstigt att man skyller på att man bland annat la ner på grund av att man inte blev anlönad för sitt slit. För CoD4 är fortsatt nytt och med den ljusa framtiden spelet har framför sig finns det ingen anledning att inte tro att MYteam skulle ha fått bra backning inom sin tid, förutsatt att de fortsatt på samma nivå som tidigare.
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