dfiance tillbaka med full lineup

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"After Restyle leaving for L3, quM losing interest in the team and so on, I was forced to let dfiance undergo some serious changes. Together with my fellow teammate Wannes (Shooze) I searched for some decent Belgian subs for our losses, and I can surely say I found them.
Together with Martijn (Wils), Jente (niZ), Angelo (shakota) and Glenn (dweepz) I'm sure we can slowly get on top of the CoD4 scene. We will need time, but I noticed some potential in this team and it's a bunch of nice guys.
We won't attend Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 because this was too quick for some of us who made other plans. We're hoping to attend i33."
dfiance 6-manna lineup:

Nu återstår det bara att se hur länge dessa grabbar kan hålla ihop. Bets are on!
Cadred.org (källa)