Epsilon`janbo bloggar inför CDC4

Ett av de starkaste namnen från landet något till höger på kartan (njae, Åland var nästan rätt, jag menar såklart Finland),

Saxat från Epsilons hemsida:
"We had a DSlash playoff match coming against k1ck-eSports on mp_backlot, so we practiced that still for a while before the "highlight" of the evening. The game itself started off well. We managed to get the first five rounds and I guess that cut our opponent's confidence. The result was a comfortable 13-5 victory. The rest of the evening went with practicing and the last game of the late night / early morning was against the most obvious cheater ever. Quite surprisingly he did upload his demos to Clanbase upon request, and then we spent the next 40 minutes watching the demo on a TV connected to fix's computer, and laughing along as he scanned through walls.
Overall the bootcamp was a great success. The three basic goals of any bootcamp are a) to practice a lot with the team, b) to build up team-spirit, c) to get yourself familiar with the LAN environment again. The first part is quite self-explanatory. You just play a lot. Part b) is already much more varied. In general, team-spirit between young male adults is usually built up best in three ways: 1. Doing sports together, 2. Watching sports together while wishing the same team to win 3. Enjoying alcoholic beverages. The best way is to combine two or more of these, and this is exactly what we did. Part c) was also a success. Henri secured as the inevitable LAN-noise, while microwave pizzas covered the bad diet and the resulting nausea, while endless hours of gaming really tested everyone's stamina in terms of tiredness, muscle numbness and difficulties in concentration. Having covered all a, b and c, it is safe to say we?re now quite well prepared for the upcoming competition in Enschede, Netherlands."
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Postat av: multra
gl !
Postat av: Bea
Låter som att de är peppade som fan :D
Tror de når långt under cdc
Postat av: overkill
hoppas dem kommer långt men tror dock dem får det svårt. goodluck!
Postat av: swinnnk
lycka till boys, tror dock att dem tror sig battre än dem är
Postat av: FUFFEN