Finska randoms

Statement från

"We are proud to announce Salainen as our new Call of Duty 4 team. They have been doing great so far in Clanbase. I have followed them in some cups and we are sure they are perfect for Random-Gaming and are one of Finland?s finest! We are confident that the team will keep performing under our name and we will support them in all ways possible."
Statement från

"As the representative for Salainen (now Random-gaming Call of duty 4 squad) I thank the whole organisation for taking us in. I am also certain that our co-operation will be successfull and our squad will dedicate itself to giving Random-gaming results and reputation. As for us, we have had great experiences with the organisation from before (since some of us played in the old squad) and feel lucky to be chosen to take part in it. They will not regret their deicision."
Random Gamings nya lineup:

Kvar finns nu bara att önska de nya random finnarna lycka till och ta det lugnt i mumindalen!
#random.gaming @ QNet.
Postat av: tomAZz
mide LOLOoolo'LOololOOllo
Postat av: mide
haha, ni har fel lineup. Men tack iaf, randoms...
Postat av: Chefen
mide: Vad menar du?