FPSGaming intervjuar: Druidz

Ytterligare en intervju har nu kommit från FPSGaming inför deras välgörenhetscup (läs mer här). Denna gången är det druiderna med z -

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: Tell us about Your (clan) background and how you first started.
A: I have been playing the first born Call of Duty, in a different clan named Soldiers of Honor with mickStah back in 2003. Afterwards we moved on to Call of Duty 2 using different line ups. During a period of getting sick CoD2 i thought of starting playing Battlefield 2 with the Druidz. We managed to get some pretty nice results and wars. Battlefield died sooner than we expected so I changed my mind and moved back to Call of Duty Series team. I proposed the SoH CoD line up to join Druidz and that was the final merging of the two clans. From that time we are playing under the Team Druidz name tag.
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: It was been a bit up and down for our team since we changed lineup. As i can recall we haven't been able to play as a team so much. Past made us stronger so now we are paying more attention on our future goals and trying to get as much practice is possible for the upcoming matches, LAN and Cups.
Q: Any future plans You want to share with us?
A: Our plans is to play in i33 in England, Wonderbase, Dreamhack and possibly the Italian LAN Pro-Lan. Of course we will keep joining the FPS|Gaming Cups and trying to get as high as it gets.
Q: Whats your (clan)opinion about "gaming against cancer"?
A: I personally believe that is a new way of thinking about gaming. It is a great impact for the gaming community as we are playing for a good cause and sponsors are willing more to offer to charity. My grandmother died from cancer so I'm more than happy to donate money for this sake."
Druidz lineup:

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