FPSGaming intervjuar: HeXagon e-Sports

I FPSGamings intervjuserie kommer här det sista bidraget som innehåller den kanske mest heta förhands kandidaten till slutseger i deras välgörenhets-turnering, jag talar såklart om

Saxat från intervjun:
"Q: What are Your (clan) goals/plans with cod4?
A: To be the best is what we always aim at but its not that easy. It has gone quite ok for us so far in cod4 with some highlights in codqcup were we ended top20 and cb we are top20 in main ladder then we had a little setback but its all fine now. This year we will try to play as many cups as we can and try to attend some lan/lans if we can and have the money for it.
Q: What does Your (clan) structure look like..
A: Krukan6 is the master of HeXagon he is also the founder! We got our fanboy/manager in voffis who is designing the website atm. Hexagon is completed with some other teams like bf2,world in conflict and quakewars. In the cod4 team ruben is the dictator and the one who fix with tactics and all the boring stuff. we all help arrange wars so we don't have a war arranger.
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: We gonna finish up the practising on the maps we have worked on the month then we gonna move back in the cb ladder and try to make some results in good cups. We are also discussing lans but it is hard when we have to pay everything ourselves."
HeXagon lineup:

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Postat av: tawnY
Gurgla på lan LOL