FPSGaming intervjuar: HMC

Ytterligare ett svenskt lag som valt att deltaga i FPSGaming.se's välgörenhetscup som drar igång imorgon (23/2, läs mer här) är

Utdrag från intervjun:
"Q: What are Your (clan) goals/plans with cod4?
A: Be as good as we can be i guess.. i know its a little bit prestigious but thats the truth. We are leading SAAW div2a at the moment and winning hopefully. We are aiming to play cups and tournaments and hopefully to make some progress. Its important that playing is fun in the end.. and its fun to win =)
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: Well we are all getting much better I think and hopefully we can get even more skilled. I'm aware that we are all working, go to school or have famillys so its harder to get better then if we were five guys with no work, playing all day =)
Q: Any future plans You want to share with us?
A: To get better, have fun, drink beer on LAN and not to get angry on teamspeak. Hopefully we dont get killed in the first match in the FPSTournament so we can advance in the winner bracket.. otherwise its Sunday gaming.
Q: Whats your (clan)opinion about "gaming against cancer"?
A: Its always nice to participate in this type of event because Its for a good cause and maybe it can get normal people outside the gaming community to realize that we gamers care about serious matters outside the backlot areas."
Dessvärre är HMC's lineup gigantisk så för att se den:
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