FPSGaming intervjuar: Mortifer


Copy-paste av FPSGamings standardformulär:
"Q: Tell us about Your (clan) lineup so we get to know you better...
A: Our lineup consists of Fresan, cäät, gzzon, cliffarn and matt3. Toxarn is our backup for the time being, mainly because he's chasing young girls with his moped every night. Me (Fresan), cäät, fzzon and Toxarn played together in Corax and eventually left to play together instead. When Henke asked us if we wanted to play in Mortifers CoD4 Team, which had become a little inactive, we thought it sounded like a good solution. To strengthen our lineup we asked matt3 and cliffarn which sealed the deal.
Q: What are Your (clan) goals/plans with cod4?
A: We all have a "real" life on the side of gaming, so most of all we want some quality time in front of the screen and then go as far as we possibly can. We don't really have any major goals, but going to a LAN is an objective.
Q: What does Your (clan) structure look like..
A: Henke is our all-powerful team manager who gives us servers and a little of everything. We don't really have a "structure", we try to keep things so everyone is happy.
Q: How does things progress and what about the future?
A: Our lineup is only a few days old so we haven't trained that much. We're still getting to learn to use the same names on the maps. But the future is looking good!"
Mortifer lineup:

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Postat av: dohfOs
vart är tork? :( etqw hero jue!