H2k intervjuar: oXmoze och id

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"Q: After you moved to CoD4 you immediately joined up with your teammates and you are right now considered as a top-team with not-Identified. What do you think has brought you so far after this move?
A: Basically, we've all played together with so long and all share the same aims and motivations. Compared to most teams, we have a steady lineup and although we've had to make a couple of changes due to inactivity issues this hasn't affected us at all but just made us even better. The key to success in any team has to be stability, if you have a stable lineup: you can go far - it's easily proven if you look at the teams which win LAN events and major tournaments.
Q: Various teams who had been dominating the CoD2 scene have set results which totally differ from the ones they usually gained at CoD2. How can you declare this? Is it, as you just said a matter of stability, or does it have to do with adjusting a lineup to situations?
A: That's a hard question for me, as I didn't play COD2 at a high level. But, stability is a major factor in any team, the teams that aren't picking up good results recently either don't enjoy the COD4 gamestyle or don't know how to play COD4 properly. (are not able to adjust their lineup to different situations, which is what COD4 is about: speed, teamplay and how you adjust). COD4 is so much faster than COD2, and some teams just can't cope with it (still).
Q: You guys will be attending the upcoming CDC4 lan, which has a massive prizepurse, but a massive group of teams as wel (40 in total!). How are you guys preparing yourselves as good as possible in order to qualify a as good spot as possible? Are hidden tactics already realized or do you guys take the tournament as any other?
A: We're preparing for the LAN as best as possible, it will be our first event so we're hoping to make a good impression - our first objective is to get into the playoffs, but we'll have to see which teams are in our group first. We're trying some new tactics in current tournaments such as the i3d, ed and live2win cups but at the moment our 5th is on holiday so we're kinda playing with a few mercs over the next week.
Q: Where do you see not identified in the future?
A: Well, we're taking each week as it comes. We're hoping to join a new organisation before the CDC event, or soon after - we're in contact with a few at the moment. At CDC4, we're not sure what to expect. I hope that we can cause alot of upsets, but that's yet to be seen - COD4 is a very new game still, so every team has a chance to get a decent position. After CDC4 we'll see in which direction we wish to take not identified, hopefully we'll be attending some more benelux events and then move onto international events moving further into 2008. In our current online cups it's hard to tell about how we will do, but our aim is to remain within the top portion of Europe in every competition that we take part in (and we're achieving that so far, in our opinion)."
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"Q: The move to CoD4 has been extremely succesfull for oXmoze. Though, other teams have been rather unsuccesfull. How is your view on this move and the eventual pros and cons?
A: I must agree with the fact that this move has been really succesfull to us with our 3rd place at the cod-gamer lan, the 2nd place in crossfireQcup and our actual results in codQcup. Even if we were at a good level on cod2, i guess we wouldnt have been able to reach the top as we're actually doing but we still have a lot to prove and to achieve. In my opinion, the move from cod2 to cod4 is not only great for its community but also for the e-sport in general. With the 7 millions of copies already sold and those who are gonna be, the community is astonishingly bigger than on cod2 and one of its best proof is the number of people on #cod4.wars ! What's more, there are so much more lans on that game than on cod2 and if we're working great, maybe its going to be added.
Q: You guys are going to attend the CDC 4 LAN, in holland. How will you guys prepare for this LAN?
A: Yes we'll go ot Enshede to compete against the best teams in europe. In order to get a chance to reach the top 3, we need to train a lot and that's what we're actually doing. With the codQcup still running, that's already a first train for us against top teams, but we also play french cups to get different experience. We need to play a lot but also to think about what we're doing false and what is good in order to advance and do nice results.
Q: Where do you see oxmoze in the future after having such a succesfull start in this game and all the opportunities which are coming up in the CoD scene to prove yourselves?
A: I hope we're gonna be able to continue to play as good as we do actually, and even more. With a lot of train, and also some luck, why not in the top 3 europe? :D who knows ... We'll do our best at the cdc4 but also to every other lans we'll do in the upcoming weeks/months"
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Hela intervjun med id`revoltz
Hela intervjun med oXmoze|vazy