iFearDilemma i schysst intervju - på engelska

I intervjun talar man självfallet om CDC4, och iFearDilemma väljer att tona ner förväntningarna på laget. Spel för galleriet eller ren sanning? Det återstår att se..
Så med saxen i handen:
"Q: You are now up on the top of the CoD4 Olymp. Are you ready to show a great performance on CDC4?
A: Hard to say, of course we are confident to keep up with all the other high level teams, but the decision to attend CDC4 was made a few days ago so I think we can't have the same preparation like them. We will try our best and enjoy the weekend in Enschede, although its from now on our goal to score well on every LAN we attend. On such events we try to socialise with other players and give the community a view behind the set (of the teams). So, we see us at CDC4 LAN.
Q: What does your team say about the success?
A: They show different reactions. Of course all of us are happy, but every player is handling the situation for himself. One is more decent and proud of his achievement, another one is only looking forward to the next step. We are all human beings, its normal that there are different views. It's just important we don't start to get arrogant, but this won't happen I hope. In on thing we all agree? keep on training and try to develop ourselves more and more!
Q: Which are the next steps of your team?
A: We will gain as much LAN experience as possible and to attend at all important CoD 4 events. Although the CDC4 is just a week away we will try go vie 110% for the next week and train until we are too tired to do so. In the future we want to be a symbol of professional CoD4 teams on a high level which is not only a partnership of convenience, but of friendship. But don't forget this is something we can't do alone. We want to support CoD4, but the community is playing a big part too.
Q: Let us concentrate on your training: Which way you train? Do you have some special strategies to train a map?
A: There is only one important thing which make us strong and is the recipe of our constantly lineup. "Corporate feeling", which includes great communication, motivation, passion, will, fun, friendship, equal goals etc. From the first day we had something like a blind trust between all of us, which we enlarged until today. We are just playing and try to react on the enemy tactics. Every Action the enemy is doing, one of us tries to counter it. It's important not to play solo, only as a team u can survive. If u have the will to win, everyone is motivated and knows he can trust his team mates, you will defeat your enemy!"
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Postat av: Fredde
Det var faktiskt en schysst intervju O_o
Postat av: Keno
Agree. Bästa med han hittils. Kändes som en "riktig" intervju.