Nya Packard Bell-laget intervjuat

CrossFire.nu intervjuar lagledare

"Q: So you have known Payne and Junior since you were 11 (start of secondary school) and you are now 21. That's quite along time to have known 2 of your team mates. You have also known Wakko since i23 and known Hunter since i27. Do you think that after knowing and spending so much time with a lot of your team mates pre-Packard Bell will provide a secure basis for your team and it's future together?
A: Well that's been our aim with this for a long time. The UK scene, as everyone will attest, is rife with line-up changes, in house bickering and a general lack of harmony. Our aim is to buck the trend and settle on the most stable lineup we can. It certainly helps when your teammates are people you know very well and can trust. There will always be something that can affect even the most stable line-ups, but we have tried to minimize that and create a line-up as stable as we can and stick with it for the long term.
Q: It has been announced that you and your team will receive a free new wickedly specked out computer courtesy of Packard Bell. That shows a great deal of confidence and investment in the team. Do you feel any pressure to perform and get the results whilst under the Packard Bell name?
A: An important part of playing is not being under too much pressure. It's been made clear to us that we aren't under any pressure or unneccessary duress and we can focus on our game. The PCs will be a great boost to the side because it will allow people to raise their game using a machine that is stable and with much greater power than some of us are used to. It is a nice investment, and certainly one we appreciate. But of course, we couldn't really be Team Packard Bell if we didn't use Packard Bell machines! Sponsors have to have the exposure they need, it's all part of the business.
Q: What are the long term and short term goals for team Packard Bell Cod4?
A: In the short term, our focus is on CLUK19 and i33 and we're putting our energy into those two events at the moment. In the long term, our focus is on keeping the team together and keeping the team active and playing. There's no use in practicing for a LAN, playing at the LAN, doing well only to go inactive after it and waste a lot of hard work."
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