Remedy lämnar Emprisa

Remedy förklarar:
We had different opinions on how this game should be played. Emprisa is full of great individuals with a lot of experience, which means everyone has strong opinions.
We tried to get things working, but in the end it got really complicated, as none wanted to change one's playing style, which made improvisation and making of tactics almost impossible. I mean making the tactics I had in mind.
In the end, the amount of whine was so big that I didn't feel like playing with emprisa anymore. Emprisa for ever, but I think they are better off without me. Now that I leave emprisa, it doesn't mean I'm leaving them totally. The guys are still my friends and so on.
Dolvich ger Emprisas syn på avhoppet:
Well, this didn't come as a complete shock for us. The whole time we've been struggling with finding the perfect team chemistry, and everyone felt something like this would eventually have to happen. Don't get me wrong, we never had any epic battles in voicecomm since we're so cool, experienced & whatnot.
However, there were several small issues between Remedy and the rest of the team and these kept piling up. I wouldn't exactly call it "the clash of egos", but there certainly were some moments when I felt things hadn't gone quite as smoothly as we had planned.
All in all, we managed to solve this without kickbans involved and I'm sure I speak for all of us when I wish Remedy all the best in the future, both in terms of CoD4 & real life. Now we need to direct our focus towards the upcoming LAN-tournament @ Level7 and try to perform as well as possible without one of our main guns
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Postat av: Lia Florenz
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