Rösta för gunsway- och sniper-fix på CB

"Ok i have read what the community wants and the need of this no sway fix.
I have already put this under votes with my COD4 crew and we are awaiting the outcome as soon as there is any news i will make a post about it.
As for the sniper fix myself i am not that keen on it as the gun has become to accurate, I believe the gun needs a bit of sway because with this fix you don't even need "hold breath".
So in my view the sniper fix would be a wrong move unless it could be edited to add a bit of sway to it.
Last thing, the only thing that is putting some people off the mods is the fact its client side and not server side. If this could be made server side only it could be implemented alot quicker. Just my views and i will keep you posted on the outcome of the crew votes."
Så rösta för framtiden, bidrag till ett bättre CoD4:
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