Showmatch: fnatic vs vicious and evil

mintR ger en kommentar:
Vi blev kontaktade av pg24tv som ville köra en showmatch på deras stream, det kunde vi väl göra lika bra som att pracca så vi tog tillfället i akt att testa nosway och sniperfixen som chandler har jobbat på. Matchen spelas på strike, mr12. enjoy.
Lite info om Chandlers sniperfix:
One thing that has not been removed is the text "Hold [key] to steady", as this is not needed with the fix. If it This would balance the sniper. It would make it more like the AWP from CS, being zoomed out after you shoot and being still all the time. It wouldn't be over or underpowered, because you can't hold the zoom in all the time and shot shots everyone 1 second, it takes about the same time as it did in COD2. Without the fix the sniper just can't hit where you aim, most of the time. After extensive testing you do not have to aim in front or behind the player, this was tested in a server where all players had good pings.
Relaterat: (stream)
Info om Chandlers sniperfix