Wave e-Sports tar in not Identified

Samtidigt som man går med i Wave passar man även på att introducera en ny spelare som tar över

Wave e-Sports management utalar sig:
"Firstly I want to start by thanking our old team, led by Liquidfire. Unfortunately, the team didn't work out for us as an organisation due to it's rather unstable lineup during the last few months. However, despite these problems, the relationship with the core members of the old team was fantastic both online and offline. The choice to break up with the old team was extremely hard for wave-esports as a result, but looking in the long term things were not going as they should've have been. This meant that wave-esports would have to find a more stable lineup for the upcoming calender, and quickly we found 'not identified' who were lumbered down in Team EDiT. We've been speaking from the whole team from 'not identified' for the past few weeks. They have real potential, and it was something that we couldn't turn away once they left their former organisation. I speak on behalf of the whole wave management when I say that we are delighted to have 'not identified' as part of our organisation, and we hope that both the team and wave will grow as a result of this new partnership."

"After our departure from Team EDiT nearly two weeks ago we knew exactly what we wanted from an organisation: the required support and a feeling of homeliness. Since then, we?ve had a number of offers from various organisations but one offer stood out the most in filling the criteria that we required: wave-esports. Through Wilfred "x2tz" Hilberink, we?ve been in contact with wave for the past few weeks and during that it was easy to see that both of us shared the same ambitions, and with wave's current support and future potential we're very confident that we've made the perfect decision. With this announcement I'd also like to welcome our newest addition, bennY who will become our new fifth member for the foreseeable future. Cya in Enschede!"
Wave e-Sports lineup:

Wave-eSports.com via Tek-9.org (källa)