Cadred intervjuar: deffan

Cadred har varit igång och gjort en riktigt trevlig intervju. Det är ingen mindre än överhuvudet av CODQCUP, d.v.s.

Saxat från intervjun:
Q: The cup has been really attractive among the CoD4 community and the amount of teams signed up is a lot bigger than ever before. Do you think it's the quality of this cup or the prizes that attract this many teams?
A: I honestly think it's the quality of the tournament, because we do not have the highest prizepot for an online tournament. For example ED (Enemydown) have a much bigger prizepot. But of course our prizes is more than a piss in the water so to speak, and it can get bigger if we sell a lot of mousepads. But I honestly believe it's the quality teams sign up for. In COD4 it seems like any site can bring in some good prizes but often lacks the solid organisation that we have built up during 2007. I think an solid organisation is more worth then high prizes. A good tournament is a good tournament when it is ran smoothly.
Q: Now that you accepted 256 teams, the amount of work must have been huge. Do you think your crew of 5 guys is overemployed?
A: Hell yeah. We are way too few people at the moment but the problem isn't the few people but our admin system. It's not made so that more people can be in it and mess around at the same time, to much work at the moment we do for hand. Spending hours doing different things that will in the future when we have our new coded system up make things run much faster and with less work from us. So the amount of work is really huge but we love what we do. We skip hockey practices, spending time with girlfriends, spending less time on school work that need to be done (me for example). But we prioritize CODQCUP high because we love what we do, all of us, even when we get 100 PM during an hour. CODQCUP is the best thing I've been involved with in my gaming career so I wouldn't trade away all the work I put down for something else.
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