CODQCUP intervjuar ett flertal

Crew på CODQCUP har varit igång igen och ordnat med ett antal intervjuer. Denna gång har man riktat in sig på ickesvenskar och dessa var

Saxat från intervjun med spaR:
Q: COD4 is still in its early stage and the community haven't yet to decide on a common ruleset. What do you prefer PAMD or PAM4 3.1 with crossfire rules and why?
A: *laugh* this really has to be the most asked question in the call of duty 4 community. Anyway, I can fit myself to any ruleset but the question is how can the others ? Many casual gamers don't like that the game is being changed so dramatically. First we removed some perks, then we removed even more, now we have the crossfire settings which are being used by most players, with pamd so many things have been modified than normal. Gamers can't really see through. I still like the cdc settings most. But as I said, whatever is played, it's fine for me. First think about the others and how it affects the biggest part of a community and then about yourself.
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